OK, so Tom sent me some samples of what he is still testing.
First. wow Tom, just too generous. A bit of friendly advice, you just don't need to try so hard. We already love you, nothing you need to prove. His generosity was over the top. On the other hand, his timing was perfect. There is a special someone who has gone over the top helping me with my Rerto issues. So generous it *almost* made me feel a bit weird. But I know he is desperate to try the new flavors and just too shy to ask Tom for the,m. So package going out to him today with half of what Tom sent me.
On to the new Snus.
I tried Grape. I thought I was in love before, but I had no idea how deep I could fall. i LOVE the grape. And I have had it in my mouth now for over an hour ad it still tastes great. Home run Tom, these are just amazing
I brought Apple to work with me as well, I will post some thoughts about that this afternoon.
6 more days. 6 more days until I get paid, and I can finally actually give some money back to Tom for everything he is doing. Looks like I will have some extra cash this month and I am tempted to just spend $100 on Discreet, and then go around to everyone I see smoking and just give them a package. Truly become a Johnny Apple-Discreet. :wink:
First. wow Tom, just too generous. A bit of friendly advice, you just don't need to try so hard. We already love you, nothing you need to prove. His generosity was over the top. On the other hand, his timing was perfect. There is a special someone who has gone over the top helping me with my Rerto issues. So generous it *almost* made me feel a bit weird. But I know he is desperate to try the new flavors and just too shy to ask Tom for the,m. So package going out to him today with half of what Tom sent me.
On to the new Snus.
I tried Grape. I thought I was in love before, but I had no idea how deep I could fall. i LOVE the grape. And I have had it in my mouth now for over an hour ad it still tastes great. Home run Tom, these are just amazing
I brought Apple to work with me as well, I will post some thoughts about that this afternoon.
6 more days. 6 more days until I get paid, and I can finally actually give some money back to Tom for everything he is doing. Looks like I will have some extra cash this month and I am tempted to just spend $100 on Discreet, and then go around to everyone I see smoking and just give them a package. Truly become a Johnny Apple-Discreet. :wink: