Snus Review - Discreet snus

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    And room has been made in the trash heap outside for it. :wink:


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      my discreet came in today. have a peach portion in right now. my God these are good. i'm suprised.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Once again, Sage just needs to pick on Chad for a moment. Everyone else, turn away please.

        Chad, how can you be "surprised". There have been now at least 30 reviews of it made here, 29 of those were absolutely glowing. So are you saying you ignore everything people say here? Are you saying you simply don't believe what folks are saying here. That folks are lying about it for the fun of it??

        Reason I am asking is the whole existential purpose of Snuson s to share knowledge and experience. For you to ignore what everyone has said kinda defeats the purpose, no???

        By now, I would expect someone to say "Wow, now I get why everyone loves this" or such. But to be surprised after what everyone else has posted kinda makes it seem like you tunes everyone out.

        OK, you can look again, I am done.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          You have to be really special to get the new Swedish Style.

          I'll post more later, but initial impression is positive.


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            i dunno, i saw it, it looked cheap and tacky, and was listed on google under "candy", so i didn't have very good expectations. i'm sure when you first saw it you were like WTF is this?
            BUT that being said, i'm pleasantly suprised.


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              looks away, looks back, You can't send Reaper to the trash, he must continue is path of destruction! You know he's on twitter now!


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                Yeah, just one more reason to hate him. Have I told you how much I despise Twitter??

                And I didn't say I was throwing him out, I was just making room for his brief stay with me. What??? You think I am letting the Reaper in my house?? LOL, no hella way. I will throw a tarp over him if it rains, but he is gonna stay with his own kind while here with me. :lol:


                • Veganpunk
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 5381

                  lol. Understandable. He departs tomorrow.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Originally posted by chadizzy1
                    i dunno, i saw it, it looked cheap and tacky, and was listed on google under "candy", so i didn't have very good expectations. i'm sure when you first saw it you were like WTF is this?
                    BUT that being said, i'm pleasantly suprised.
                    Yes Chad, when I first heard, I kinda laughed too. And given the tastes of the first one or two people who reviewed it, I wasn't convinced. But by the time 10 people had chimed in, folks who I have read for a very long time, folks who's opinions I trusted, and ALL raved about it, I figured it was time for me to try it and I had every expectation by then that I would like it too. And since then, myself and at least 15 other folks have chimed in too, And it has been nearly unanimous how good folks thought it was.

                    So by now, I expect that anyone who tries it should come in with very high expectations. Again, the purpose of Snuson. When you have near unanimity here, I do expect you should assume that there is something good going on.

                    Otherwise, what is the purpose of anyone writing a review here?


                    • TropicalBob
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 316

                      Strange that I haven't posted in this, because Tom sent me samples and I've been through most of what was sent. Like others, I enjoyed everything but the natural one. It smacks of what it might be like to suck a cigarette left in a rain-soaked ashtray. But the others? Very tasty.

                      But ... I discovered a new and unique use for Discreet snus. I use them in my electronic cigarette. No joke. Remove the core material from the cartridge/mouthpiece while a Discreet soaks up vegetable glycerine from a spoon. When the snus is saturated, stuff it into the cartridge core.

                      The glycerine produces great vapor and the Discreet gives up flavor and an unknown amount of nicotine (but some testers have reported feeling the nic hit from it).

                      The FDA is about to stomp e-liquids and pre-filled carts with both regulatory boots, banning it. Here is a viable alternative, a way to get the habit part of cigarette smoking, with the taste of Discreet snus vapor.

                      You might have a new market here, Tom. Course, we e-cig smokers would prefer log-shaped snus to better fit the cartridges.


                      • sheilalynn
                        • May 2009
                        • 1103

                        Originally posted by sagedil
                        Sorry, you have to be special to deserve the grape. :wink:
                        Yes, we's all special :lol:


                        • sheilalynn
                          • May 2009
                          • 1103

                          Originally posted by TropicalBob
                          Strange that I haven't posted in this, because Tom sent me samples and I've been through most of what was sent. Like others, I enjoyed everything but the natural one. It smacks of what it might be like to suck a cigarette left in a rain-soaked ashtray. But the others? Very tasty.

                          But ... I discovered a new and unique use for Discreet snus. I use them in my electronic cigarette. No joke. Remove the core material from the cartridge/mouthpiece while a Discreet soaks up vegetable glycerine from a spoon. When the snus is saturated, stuff it into the cartridge core.

                          The glycerine produces great vapor and the Discreet gives up flavor and an unknown amount of nicotine (but some testers have reported feeling the nic hit from it).

                          The FDA is about to stomp e-liquids and pre-filled carts with both regulatory boots, banning it. Here is a viable alternative, a way to get the habit part of cigarette smoking, with the taste of Discreet snus vapor.

                          You might have a new market here, Tom. Course, we e-cig smokers would prefer log-shaped snus to better fit the cartridges.
                          I saw this mentioned over on the e-cig forum and it did sound interesting! I'll probably be putting away the e-cigs soon once they all conk out on me. Everyone in here tells me I don't need them...we'll see how well I do!


                          • paulwall9
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 743

                            This stuff sounds very intresting I havent tried it yet but I will have 2!!
                            I would really like it if the tobacco shops around me started carrying a snus!!


                            • TheOneandOnly
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 616

                              Will this latest tobacco bill that passed have any effect on discreet? The candy flavored tobacco and stuff...?


                              • paulwall9
                                • Nov 2008
                                • 743

                                hmmm I never thought about that maybe!!


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