Which brands last the longest?

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  • gubasmark
    New Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 12

    Which brands last the longest?

    Question to my experienced snus users. Being that I am a fairly new user I'd like to know which brands last the longest in terns of Nicotine delivery as well as moisture, taste, etc. I've found I'm getting an hour to an hour and a half with Thunder Frosted which I've been told is about right. All the rest I currently use

    General Extra Sterk deliciousness - 1 hour before total dryness and ready for another.

    Skruf Strong White - 1 hour. same thing. Still satisfies.

    Onyx - A bit longer in terms of moisture, taste and such but nic delivery fades at the one hour mark.

    I've also found General ES to be the best as far as nic wallop and satisfaction goes. It may be at 1 mg less than the Thunders but hit's me ten times harder.

    I would love to hear others opinions on this. Thanks!
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Generally, whites will last longer in terms of taste.


    • gubasmark
      New Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 12

      Is an hour about right in terms of a General ES portion? Thanks Sage!


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I'll turn this question around a bit and say that Lucky Strike is on the short side of flavor. All other snus I get 1+ hours, with the longest being Camel, and LD Black.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Originally posted by gubasmark
          Is an hour about right in terms of a General ES portion? Thanks Sage!
          For me, at least, 45 minutes to an hour is typical with all regular portions. With whites, I often stay in for 1 1/2 hours.


          • gubasmark
            New Member
            • Mar 2009
            • 12

            Thanks Sage, one last question, it may sound kind of stupid but here it goes. I sometimes switch the pouch to the bottom then back to the top, flip it around etc. and pull on it when it need for a bit more a bit faster. I would imagine that all is the same whether the pouch be on the bottom top, side or whatever, is that right?


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Not quite. Bottom lipping it will make it juice more. Over the years, I have heard some folks say they do this to "revitalize" the snus. I have done it rarely, just after two + years, I hardly think about this much when I use.


              • exexpat
                • Oct 2008
                • 22

                Long Times

                Lower side jaw - 2 portions at a time - 2 hours or longer depending on the flavor.


                • Tristik
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 654

                  I've found that portion duration has very little to do with the portion itself. In my personal experience, the length of time i can have a snus in has a lot more to do with the state of my mouth. Sometimes, i juice up a snus a lot faster than others.

                  Example: Take snus "A". Some days, I'll have snus A in about 15-20 minutes before it starts dripping so nastily, i have to spit it out. But other days, I'll have snus A in for over an hour and it's still dry (if a bit slimy).

                  This is typical for me, personally. It has more to do with the state of my mouth than what the snus brand is, or what it's made out of.


                  • ShaulWolf
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 495

                    I find a portion's lasting time varying depending on the maker. Ettan typically lasts an hour, maybe a little more. Thunder Frost has gone two hours and still felt cool and tingly with a bit of flavor. Grov Black has done the same, but starts tasting a hint saltier after an hour and a half.

                    It also depended on what I was drinking, because some drinks will overpower the taste of the snus and others just compliment it and keep it moist. If I have a dry mouth I don't get as much juice and the flavors are much more muted, sometimes to the point where I don't even notice the snus there.

                    I think it comes down to personal experience. On average for me, though, it's been roughly an hour.


                    • Maxpower05080
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 185

                      I've noticed that white portions such as grov, general, and ettan last at least an hour. The regular portions start to get too moist after about 40 minutes, and it becomes a chore for it to stay in one place.

                      In my opinion though, ettan portions last the longest. They don't have much flavor to begin with, so it stays subtle the whole time. A very mellow chocolate/nutty tobacco flavor. While it is not my favorite snus, it is great to have every now and then, and will last a good amount of time. Just don't expect too much flavor.


                      • rickcharles606
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 2307

                        The portions that last the longest for me are Onyx and Gen ES. Up to two hours, but normally 1.5ish. I'm pretty sure though, that the time a portion will last is directly proportional to how much you poke, prod and otherwise abuse it. Meaning, if you leave it alone, it will last longer. Conversely if you mess with it, the flavor wanes more quickly.


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