Snus Tastes for Different Brands?

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  • Wallbanger
    • Apr 2009
    • 43

    Snus Tastes for Different Brands?

    Hey there guys,

    So far i have used about 5 out of my first order of brands, and although i do enjoy the taste from the start i am struggling to taste all the things that i read about on the forums. If i pop a general in or a skruf stark or the one that really shocked me as i was expecting this totally different taste the goten rape, i am really struggling to taste the subtle differences. I do enjoy the taste but for me i think i am tasting what is tobacco and i think i detect a slight pepper with the general but even that is more of a throat thing than a taste.

    I read about lots of people on the forums having favourite brands and explaining all these things they are tasting and im kind of disapointed as i can taste none of them just the what i think is baccy and salt.

    I am not too bothered with this as long as it is a short term thing and as i get more experienced with snus i can start to get all these flavours coming through, i just know that a goten rape should not taste like a general portion.

    Now the point is, have all the years of smoking damaged my taste buds that much or is it normal to struggle with the subtle flavours to start with? I can live with this short term but i really want to taste those flavours you guys talk about lol.

    I am extremely new to this, only been snusing for a few days but still i hope that i am going to start getting these tastes soon. Is this normal or am i just strange?

    Cheers Lee.

    P.S Of course i do notice a big difference with the Catch Eucalyptus just not the brands that are more similar. I really hope you guys are going to say in a few weeks ill find every brand lots different in taste.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    You should be able to distinguish the different flavors as you use snus more. It takes a bit of time to train the palate. Some are similar in style, but still different enough to tell apart.


    • Grim
      • Jun 2008
      • 850

      When I first came to snus I felt the same way.

      I ordered some Gotlands Gul based on rave reviews and I tasted absolutely nothing, not even tobacco.

      Now I can taste all the greatness in that product.

      Your senses eventually come around and you will start to notice what all is in there.

      Hope you continue to enjoy real swedish snus and keep us up to date,.


      • Wallbanger
        • Apr 2009
        • 43

        Thnx for the reply's guys i am enjoying it already but was just struggling to tell the differences between similar brands.

        Im glad to know that this is something that will come with time, at the minute i think the salt for one thing overpowers most of the flavours and as i become used to that i will start to notice more flavours.

        I still have a good few to try yet, so far i have sampled about half of the 10 i got, i will deffinately be doing snus on a permanent basis from now on as my main nic source and i also plan to get a couple of los tins next order. I don't really want to place my order though until more of a favourite comes through, if im still at this point when my snus starts getting low im thinking i might just order another top 10 box with a couple of los on top.

        Cheers again for putting my mind at rest on the flavours

        Cheers Lee.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Wallbanger, give it a month at least before you will start to taste. I went through similar experience with snuff as well.

          Other thing to prepare yourself for. You snus tastes will swing violently yuour first few months. Snus you loved you will sudeenly start hating. And snus you though was terrible will suddenly become your new favorite.

          So most important lesson to take out of that is keep trying snus every month or two. Stuff you may not have liked at first will suddenly taste so much better.


          • rickcharles606
            • Mar 2009
            • 2307

            Yeah, you'll start tasting more and more flavors and undertones in the snus the more you use it. I too experienced what you're going through, it passes. I find that the longer I keep a portion or pris in my lip, the better I can taste the flavors. Sometimes I keep one in for well over 1.5hrs, and it seems to me that's when I taste the most subtle flavors.

            Sage is correct in that you should keep trying different snus flavors as you progress, because your tastes will definitely change. I loved Gote Rape, then hated I'm back on the love side. I'm pretty certain our bodies go through a number of changes, once we lay the cigs down for good.


            • Yamaha760
              • Mar 2009
              • 37

              I've been using snus a little over two months now. It is exactly as they all describe. I first tried General and hated it. It is now one of my favorites. Not only will you find the flavors in snus but in a lot of other things. The only thing I have to add to this is I have had an experience that is hard to describe. I had lunch at Wendy's and the next portion I tried tasted bad...I mean like soured or something. It was Gotlands Green...I knew what to expect and all I got was a sour bitter flavor. Well...for the rest of that day and the next any portion tasted bad. I still haven't figured out the cause. Anyone else experience something like that?


              • rickcharles606
                • Mar 2009
                • 2307

                I think Gots Green taste like that all the, but I WILL finish the can, lol


                • Grim
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 850

                  It couldve been pretty much a sensory overload or that your taste buds were accustomed to the meal for some time after you had it then the bitterness in the gotlands was covered/mixed with the meal you had earlier.

                  Usually, after a meal, I wait maybe 10-15 mins until i dont have food still in my teeth or after my meals flavor has faded before I snus, but ive been like that since snusing.

                  I find snus to be a sorta after dinner " mint " of sorts.
                  But, I use Los almost exclusively so for me it makes since to wait until the debris in your mouth has disappeared before snusing.

                  Weird explanantion I know but that best explains how i snus because I too hav ehad off-putting flavors right after eating.


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