Thanx! Something bizarre happened today. I woke up, got some coffee brewing, made me some grub, sit behind my comp to sift the junkmail, start surfing a little, badabing badabang, suddenly I click through a Dutch carblog to a Dutch conservative website that had an article against yet more taxation of gas and cars and on their front page they had a link to a Ron Paul YouTube clip.
Somehow, before I knew it, I just spent my ENTIRE SATURDAY reading about Ron Paul and watching vids and interiews.
Holy **** dude, I didn't know just how bad the US economy REALLY is. It's friggin' two minutes to midnight and no one seems to care!!
:x :x
Somehow, before I knew it, I just spent my ENTIRE SATURDAY reading about Ron Paul and watching vids and interiews.
Holy **** dude, I didn't know just how bad the US economy REALLY is. It's friggin' two minutes to midnight and no one seems to care!!
:x :x