What's similar to Skruf stark los?

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  • jim
    • May 2009
    • 30

    What's similar to Skruf stark los?

    Hi all. I'm a long-time nasal snuff user, recently converted to snus. When I first got into nasal snuff I tried all kinds of types and flavours, but finally settled on SP 100, a straight-up strong tobacco snuff. I've used that exclusively for a long time, and never really get tempted to play around with other flavours - I'm not a connoisseur like many on here; I like to settle on something I like and stick to it.

    My first snus was Skruf stark, first portions and now los. I work in an environment where tobacco use - even weird stuff like snus - is perfectly acceptable, so I'm happy using los 99% of the time.

    I'm very happy with Skruf stark - it's got a good flavour, it behaves well in my lip and it has plenty of nicotine. Seeing as it's the only snus I've tried, I guess I should try something else at some point... I'm thinking of getting a roll of another los in my next order, perhaps with a bit less nicotine but fairly similar to Skruf stark. Any clues?

    Wow, that turned into a bit of an essay!
  • Thorsky
    • Mar 2009
    • 66

    Skruf los is my go to and I haven't found anything that imitates it well. I do however like General regular and Extra Sterk los. They have a nice salty peppery flavor with the sterk just being stronger. I would order a tin of each and maybe a tin of Ettan and see if any of those fit the bill. The stuff is cheap enough.


    • Maxpower05080
      • Mar 2009
      • 185

      I agree....Nothing really tastes much like skruf. General los or General Extra Stark Los, may be something you might really enjoy though.


      • jim
        • May 2009
        • 30

        Hmmm, that's interesting. What's so unique about skruf stark? The plain tobacco thing, or some subtle flavour that I'm not noticing? Because this just tastes like tobacco to me...


        • Maxpower05080
          • Mar 2009
          • 185

          It has that rose flavor sweetness to it that isn't there in any other snus.

          Skruf is defiantly a "flavored" snus, rather than a traditional tobacco flavor. If you want a stronger tobacco flavor try General, Ettan, or Grov. Much more of a tobacco taste.

          Skruf is fantastic though, if you really enjoy it, then stick with it. No use looking for a substitute of your favorite. On the other hand its good to give others a chance, just to see what else is out there. Enjoy.


          • jim
            • May 2009
            • 30

            Ah, I see. I guess my tastebuds aren't properly tuned for snus yet - I don't really taste anything beyond tobacco in this.

            I'll add one of the others you mention in my next order.



            • Maxpower05080
              • Mar 2009
              • 185

              Great hope you enjoy.

              The one thing I'd like to add about skruf, is that the tobacco flavor is similar to a cigar flavor, which is amazing. No other snus really captures that type of tobacco flavor. I'm sure montecristo and other cuban cigar snus brands do too, but I haven't had a chance to try them. The other brands mentioned have more of a "snus" salty tobacco flavor....try them and I think you'll see what I mean.


              • MrAbstracto
                • Dec 2008
                • 389

                Originally posted by Maxpower05080
                Great hope you enjoy.

                The one thing I'd like to add about skruf, is that the tobacco flavor is similar to a cigar flavor, which is amazing. No other snus really captures that type of tobacco flavor. I'm sure montecristo and other cuban cigar snus brands do too, but I haven't had a chance to try them. The other brands mentioned have more of a "snus" salty tobacco flavor....try them and I think you'll see what I mean.
                Montecristo has so much bergamot in it I find it hard to taste any tobacco at all.
                I still love the stuff though.


                • Badfish74
                  • May 2009
                  • 1035

                  If you can't detect the subtle flavors and like the tobacco flavor I would definately recommend any of the Generals or Ettan. Both exellant in los form!


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