Snus-stores in USA

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  • CM
    • Apr 2009
    • 329

    Snus-stores in USA

    Hey, just thought to do this thread about the stores in USA, what do you think, is there too low amount of stores what sells snus, so you could just grab a can of snus when you go to work and not order everytime. Because I had this idea few weeks ago, I'm going to go study financial stuff after middleschool and thought what about I would start snus-store in USA with cheap prices/offers, and after enough money collected, I could start opening stores to different states, after all snus is getting more popular everyday, what do you think?
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Unfortunately, I doubt there is a strong demand yet. Maybe one day. Swedish Match sells a small portion through a cigar distributorship they bought a few years ago. We have Getsnus now selling here via mail order. But I doubt there is more than 5000 people in the states buying Swedish snus.


    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      I did not ask anyone at the shop down the street about it, but I can tell that they are moving a lot more snus than they used to. Unfortunately, it's now over 6 bucks a tin.... :?


      • EsotericPC
        • Mar 2009
        • 166

        I wish I had a store within 20 miles of me that sold snus (not Camel SNUS). Even 50 miles!

        The closest snus store is a 4 hour drive.


        • Messiah
          • Feb 2009
          • 87

          there was the one store already mentioned, and northerner has the US shop. thats is all i know. no local stores around me.

          edit: found another online store.


          • 9 Jack 9
            • Apr 2009
            • 84

            I'd prefer to keep on buying online.

            Mostly because they tax tobacco products all to hell here in Mass. (the latest and greatest idea? Tax rolling papers by five bucks. I think this is mostly cause we just decriminalized pot but they can't tax that yet, but honestly...)

            I'm all for paying sane amounts plus shipping for a bunch of snus cans rather than paying insane amounts for two or three.


            • Soft Morning, City!
              • Sep 2007
              • 772

              Originally posted by 9 Jack 9
              I'd prefer to keep on buying online.

              Mostly because they tax tobacco products all to hell here in Mass. (the latest and greatest idea? Tax rolling papers by five bucks. I think this is mostly cause we just decriminalized pot but they can't tax that yet, but honestly...)

              I'm all for paying sane amounts plus shipping for a bunch of snus cans rather than paying insane amounts for two or three.
              Tax rolling papers by five bucks? Genius. Politicians are so smart. I can't believe I ever doubted their intelligence. With ideas like that, we're obviously in good hands. :roll:


              • melly mel
                • Apr 2009
                • 92

                Last I checked, Blunts were still cheap. :lol:


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                  Originally posted by 9 Jack 9
                  I'd prefer to keep on buying online.

                  Mostly because they tax tobacco products all to hell here in Mass. (the latest and greatest idea? Tax rolling papers by five bucks. I think this is mostly cause we just decriminalized pot but they can't tax that yet, but honestly...)

                  I'm all for paying sane amounts plus shipping for a bunch of snus cans rather than paying insane amounts for two or three.
                  Tax rolling papers by five bucks? Genius. Politicians are so smart. I can't believe I ever doubted their intelligence. With ideas like that, we're obviously in good hands. :roll:
                  Wow, that is incredibly stupid. If you want to roll a cheap joint, just purchase a Bible that has the really thin paper. It works great!


                  • melly mel
                    • Apr 2009
                    • 92

                    Originally posted by snusjus
                    Wow, that is incredibly stupid. If you want to roll a cheap joint, just purchase a Bible that has the really thin paper. It works great!
                    HOLY Smoke!!!


                    • Multinic
                      • May 2008
                      • 111

                      Smoking regulations are absurd, nowhere more so than here in Taiwan. Here it is legal to smoke outdoors, but illegal for business owners to offer ashtrays, which means that business owners either have to sweep the grounds regularly or provide small paper cups with water (still legal).

                      Meanwhile, bars may allow smoking and ashtrays, but only after 9 pm. Since most bars used to open around 8 pm here, most of them have now switched their opening hours from 8pm - 3 am to 9 pm - 4 am. The rest have to display no smoking signs that only apply before 9 that only apply before 9 pm (i.e. it's legal to ignore them after 9 pm).


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