General Onyx

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  • brendo20
    • Mar 2007
    • 46

    General Onyx

    A very nice snus. The shape of the portion fits well in the mouth and can be easily shifted. It seems a fairly dry portion, and i've noticed it's the only one i have tried (apart from catchDRY) that doesn't give a sudden blast of juice after 10 minutes or so of having it in the mouth. The flow of the flavour stays consistant, and the nictotine buzz is quite strong, makes for alertness without the sudden ghastly taste. This is a winning snuff, I really enjoy it. Hats off to the General brand. If only the other portion brands could be made with such foresight.
  • phish
    • Jan 2007
    • 265

    Onyx is great but I don't think I could use a roll of the stuff. It almost seems to 'rich' although I do like the occasionally tin, It's good for when you go somewhere formal as the potions look really elegant. I think the can is a bit tacky, I wish it was made of metal.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      yeah, they definitely went for cheap chic with the tin - diplomat's tin is much nicer, for example. Onyx portions in a diplomat-style tin would be brilliant.


      • brendo20
        • Mar 2007
        • 46


        As far as tins are concerned the Lucky Stike one is cool. Only problem with the Luckies is that they do not taste like anything resembling the 'toasted' tobacco they claim. The cigarettes were very distinctive in flavour, but I was disappointed with the mediocrity of the portions. As snus they're ok, but they don't live up to the "It's toasted" philosophy at all, in my opinion.

        The diplomat tin looks a little dull to me. Maybe in 50 years I will appreciate it. If i don't get pancreatic cancer and drop dead.


        • Craig de Tering
          • Nov 2006
          • 525

          Lemme just chime in about Luckies: I don't quite agree. I think they do in fact mimic they LS cigarette taste pretty well IN ESSENCE but the taste itself is very toned down, like turning down the volume 5 notches on the radio. Plus the nicotine content is low.


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            I agree - the overwhelming flavour of the luckies, to my tastebuds an nose, is toasted. Like a hickory smoke sort of roasted taste that is common to no other snus.


            • Craig de Tering
              • Nov 2006
              • 525

              I forgot to mention: I only tried the DARK can of Luckies. Not the WHITE can.
              Maybe there's a difference?


              • Zero
                • May 2006
                • 1522

                I've tried them both - they're both toasted 8)


                • Craig de Tering
                  • Nov 2006
                  • 525

                  LMAO @ the slogan!


                  • The Cook

                    Re: tins:Luckies

                    [quote=The diplomat tin looks a little dull to me. Maybe in 50 years I will appreciate it. If i don't get pancreatic cancer and drop dead.[/quote]

                    Actually the Swedish gov't did study the pancreatic cancer issue. There were 120,00 subjects in the study and the rate of pancreatic cancer was an additional 40 cases out of 120,000. So don't worry about it!


                    • alex
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 226

                      0.0003% chance of coming down with pancreatic cancer!
                      Can snus do no wrong?


                      • alex
                        • Jul 2007
                        • 226

                        So I think General Onyx is my favorite of the brands I have tried so far. Full flavor, nice nicotine delivery - this has been my before work kick, and my after work relax snus.

                        How close is this portion to the regular General portions as far as taste is concerned?


                        • phish
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 265

                          Originally posted by alex
                          How close is this portion to the regular General portions as far as taste is concerned?
                          I haven't had general portions for a while but I remember never liking them although I do like onyx. White general portions will probably be the closest you'll get.


                          • Subtilo
                            • Dec 2006
                            • 524

                            Of course they are basically the same ("the one taste"), but if it comes down to details I find that the Onyx has a more insisting note of licorice - while the normal General is more towards citrus. Also I find the Onyx' taste more 'pure' than the original, meaning that it's somehow easier to notice the different layers of aroma during use - while the original is far more complex in the long run. That's just my opinion. I love both Onyx and standard but if forced to choose I would pick the original. It just does more for me (and its a very very nice everyday snus).


                            • KentuckySnusser
                              • May 2007
                              • 109

                              Subtilo is spot on with his assessment though my personal taste is in disagreement with his ultimate decision in choice between General and Onyx. I've just received a log and am nearing the end of my first can.

                              About my only complaint I have with the General Original/White portions is the degree to which salt pervades the overall flavour of the Snus. Onyx's licorice hint rounds out the tasting experience and enriches the base aroma which has made General such a popular mainstay. You can still make out the citrus yet it is balanced so evenly with the tobacco, licorice and pepper. Nothing is overpowering, General Onyx is the epitome of aromatic equilibrium and provides a substantial kick. In my opinion, it doesn't get much better than that.

                              Looking forward to enjoying the rest of this roll for damned sure. I have no complaints with Onyx and expect it to be an attractive fixture in my fridge for years to come.


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