Sage is playing is the lös sandbox.

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Sage is playing is the lös sandbox.

    So got my Northerner order today, one week exactly from when they switched my order to showing shipped. I had to get to work 3 hours early this morning, so was able to run home and check my mail. Much yummy new snus, my lös, and most importantly, my beautiful new 3ml steel Icetool.

    And OMG, I just love the Icetool. Even if I never use lös again, I am just happy to have it. I love cool objects, and the steel Icetool, with it's heft, is most definitely cool.

    So sitting here with a pris of Phantom Blue, my first lös in over a year. Some initial thoughts......

    Icetool - If you haven't done it yet, just get one. $40, it won't kill you. Give up a few beers if you have to, but do get one. It makes the pris SO much better than a prismaster. I played around a bit to see what a good size would be for me. Basically, compressed, my pris is just one full marking. This is a perfect size for me, similar to what a portion would be. The pris stays together great, I was able to place it exactly where I wanted, just a slight nudge with my tongue to put it into final position.

    But I love my ritual objects. My snuff bullets, my metal pipe I use to smoke non tobacco type stuff, and now my Icetool. I am very happy I decided to order one. I know it will give me the best opportunity to try and like lös

    Lös - Before I put it in my mouth.

    Do you know why I want to love lös?? I just love the weight of a lös can compared to a prortion can. It just feels so heavy, so full. Like it is serious. I had my steel Icetool in one hand, a can of Phantom Blue in the other. And they both just weighed something. Silly maybe, but it made me happy. And you can see the tobacco. So this may be the coolest part of lös. The tobacco just looks so inviting, so moist, ready.

    Lös - After I put it in my mouth.

    OK, so this is where the whole Lös concepts starts to break down for me. I'm not sure where the joy is. It is WAY to early for me to make any predictions, but at least initially, well, ho hum, this is boring. First, the flavor of Blue. I have done the Blue portions, hated them at first, came to, at least tolerate and *almost, sorta, a little like them. And yes, the lös is different from the portions. But there is nothing , SO FAR, that says this is something really good. A little Windex taste maybe, but nothing that jumps out at me. But know it is too soon to make predictions.

    Having the lös in my mouth isn't bad, and no mud mouth. Icetool definitely better here. This is something I just need to keep doing for a few weeks and see how it develops.

    I pray I don't become one of those "OMG, lös is SO way better than portions guy". Please shoot me if I do. But I don't think that is possible. They are different. Portions are my best little friends, perfect for so many situations. But sometimes, I want something different. I think my incorporation of snuff into my routine has opened my eyes a bit, helped me understand that it isn't about better, it is just different, filling a different niche if you will. I doubt I will ever use much lös at home. Home is where I go to not think. I don't want to be aware of something in my mouth. Hell, I use so much super sterk these days that I will often go for hours at home before I even remember to take a portion. But irnically, for me, work may be an ideal place to use lös. At work, I am always hyper aware. So being aware I have a lös pris in my mouth while working is cool. I am already hyper aware so being aware of something else just seem to work well. I suspect that I might also really like having a pris in while I ride my motorcycle. Again, another situation I am hyper aware at all times, mentally checking numerous things off in my head as I ride.

    So adventure has just begun. But I am grateful I have an Icetool now, and looking forward to trying the other lös I got. I think Grove might have to be next, then Thunder.

    And last note, got rid of the pris, Icetool makes that whole process WAY cleaner.
  • EsotericPC
    • Mar 2009
    • 166

    Congrats on the Icetool and los experience! I hope you grow to enjoy it as much as you wish!

    I have tried los (just using a prismaster) and it was an interesting experience. For me, the flavor was a little more dull than the original. I have only tried General and Ettan though. It was nice and subtle though. I plan to try los again if/when I get an Icetool.

    Let us know how your experience turns out!


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      So I probably have done lös about 5 times so far today. Just put in my first pris of Grove. It's growing on me....SLOWLY. Icetool is most definitely making it far better for me than when I used a prismaster. I knew would really prefer a smaller pris, and the Icetool is exactly what I hoped it would be. Finding that can keep one in for about 45 minutes before it just starts to bug me. Flavor still not great, but I refuse to draw any conclusions this early in.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        My transition from portion to lös took a few months. I just started using lös more and more, and now it's about 90% of my snus use.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          And I am committed to a long term testing phase, a few months at least. I am hoping, if that is the right word, to eventually go at least 70/30, or even 60/40 n favor of portions. Ironically, my time at work is the most likely time to use lös. Will also try riding with it this weekend.


          • MN_Snuser
            • May 2008
            • 354

            I have been using alot more los, but I could never give up portions.Their is a time and place for los and portions. Each has it's pro's and con's. Why not enjoy both, when and where you want to. No need to be one or the other, IMO.


            • Soft Morning, City!
              • Sep 2007
              • 772

              I mostly use loose, but I could never give up portions completely. They're convenient and discreet and I can use them anywhere without anybody noticing.

              That being said, when I'm at home or around people who don't care, I almost exclusively use loose. I prefer the taste and I the lack of portion material makes it far more comfortable against my gums.

              There are advantages to both formats.


              • TBD
                • Jul 2008
                • 817

                I use about 60% portions, but los has grown on me. I really like it for working outside. or sitting playing on the computer. Portions are for around people or work or out and about. The convenience of portions is the deciding factor. Easy to pop in easy to dispose of. If I am desperate to dump a portion I can just drop it in a pocket if I don't have one of those cool lids to put it in or a trash can. I doubt I will ever get to using mostly los, but it sure is nice to have the option.

                Sage I see you becoming a fan of los, but never losing your love of portions.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Right now, I am just trying to get a like for lös. I understand they would play different roles, and lös is very cool in theory, especilly now that I got me an Icetool. Why I intend to force myself to use at least 20 -30% of the time. Given sustained use, I really do hope I come to like it. For now, I at least tolerate it.

                  And btw, I edited my post above. I meat to say I can keep a pris in for 45 minutes, not 4 minutes. I'm not that pathetic.

                  But see, I have at least begun to type lös right. Progress. :lol: :lol:


                  • Maximus
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 222

                    This is the reason I highly respect Sagedil for his sage advice. He is willing to try anything and give it a fair shake. Thank you Sagedil for trying lös and even working the proper ö in with your spelling. :wink: I believe you also ordered some Thunder Frosted and don't recall if you had reviewed that before and would love to hear your thoughts on that in addition to your further lös reviews. Thank you again for being willing to try something different at least.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      I just figure I have been so much the portion guy, after 2 years, to really give lös a far try. It's a bit like if Pavarotti decided to give rap a try, at least the spectacle should be amusing.

                      For everyone else that decides to give lös a try, they will at least know they aren't alone. Whatever comes, the good, the bad, the ugly, the messy. I want to share how either the lös finally wins me over or utterly fails to impress me. All in realtime.

                      And yes, I got the Frosted portions, can't wait to give them a try. Plus the new camel, so much goodness, so little time. :wink:

                      As soon as I am done with my current can of Oden's Cinnamon. I will pair it up with Skruff White. Have not yet tried the regulars, I have only had the stark. Really looking forward to the yummy goodness of Skruff without the extra kick. Seems the Thunders and Odens of the world have kicked the mid range sterks to the curb for me. It's either regular or supersized nicotine for me now.


                      • Maxpower05080
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 185

                        I love los, but its just too sloppy to use all the time. My icetool makes it amazingly better, but removing the pris is a nightmare, and I think will always be. Everything goes great until I have to take it out.

                        Portions are so much easier, and do the job just as well. For me it's portions most of the time, and at least one pris a day.

                        One tip that I love, is to have a pris in the morning, if you have some time to yourself. Some general los, or phantom classic los, with a cup of coffee is one of the best ways to start the day.

                        Btw...I love my icetool, but I think its not worth $40. They have no compition so they charge whatever they want. I think it should be no more than $15. It's well made and all, but is clearly just mass produced stamped steel, made of 2 parts. It's good quality though.


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          Unfortunately, it is probably a small market, so more costly. If they could sell a millon of these, am sure you would see them priced much cheaper.

                          And coffee!!!! I was thinking an hour ago that I get to do coffee with a pris of Grove in the morning!! Very much looking forward to that!!!


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by Maxpower05080
                            I think it should be no more than $15. It's well made and all, but is clearly just mass produced stamped steel, made of 2 parts. It's good quality though.
                            They're lathe made pieces, you can see the tooling marks on them, at least with the steel tool you can. Granted, I'm sure the lathes are computer driven, but it's more work than casting or stamping out parts.


                            • Grim
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 850

                              Wheres the Gotlands review??

                              lol, j/k

                              in all honesty I hope you come around to los.

                              And also, I can bake a pris now that I enjoy better than my icetool. I still love the thing. It comes in handy when im fishing, hunting or working when i cant use my hands, but when im at home, my hand bakes pris is the best,

                              Anyways, keep us up to date sage ol buddy


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