Sage is playing is the lös sandbox.

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  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Oh, and when u make a poll, plz dont make the choice you want voted the highest the obvious choice :wink: lol.

    Continue sir...

    oh, and i agree with the poster who said the icetool isnt worth 40 bucks, I agree but my fav glass pipe isnt worht 156 bucks and my vaporizer isnt worth 200 but your in a niche market and you pay for the art that give u your fix...

    I dont regret paying the 40 bucks because it has paid for itself but I dont think its worth it... my .02 cents.

    But as sage has said, anything ice makes ill probably buy to support this site and its ever growing community of very interesting and smart people.

    SNUSON..... something Will Ferrell could say better than me :wink:


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      LOL, I didn't have any preferred choice really. Just captured what I thought the possibilities *might* be.

      Gotlands review will be sometime next week. Since I don't know in the end how much I will use, would rather keep closed and frozen until it's time.

      I am having a pris of Grove with my coffee right now. Must say, it's not bad!! :lol: :lol:


      • Maxpower05080
        • Mar 2009
        • 185

        Originally posted by sagedil
        Gotlands review will be sometime next week.
        I am having a pris of Grove with my coffee right now. Must say, it's not bad!!
        i'm really looking foward to a Gotlands los review. I keeping thinking about ordering some, but then side against it. I hate getting a tin of something I really don't like, and then having to toss it out (ex Gote Rape' 2 :? )

        But I'm with you on a pris of Grov with coffee. I love grov! Both portions and los. Any type of citrus/traditonal snus (general/grov/ettan), is just made to go with a cup of coffee.


        • spirit72
          • Apr 2008
          • 1013

          Originally posted by sagedil
          So I probably have done lös about 5 times so far today. Just put in my first pris of Grove. It's growing on me....SLOWLY.
          That's kinda how lös goes initially. The first few cans of it for me were basically spent learning how to get the pris right for me--not too tight, not too soft--plus learning what brands I really enjoyed.

          And, even I don't use lös all the time. If I didn't have my own office at work, I'd use portions at work predominantly, and then my lös usage would go from 80% down to maybe 40%.

          I use it at home, and at the office, and mix portions in as the mood strikes. If I'm out anywhere, it's portions by default.

          What's really odd though, is that I've gotten back a taste for white portions again, having previously shunned them. Snus is weird that way, I guess. :wink:


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            If I have learned anything is using snus for 2+ years now, that is just the way of snus. Why I am doing another attempt at liking the lös. Just becasue I really didn't like it last year doesn't mean i won't love it this year.

            Not there yet!!!!

            But not hating it either, so giving it all plenty of time.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              So sitting here in a cafe enjoying a pris of Grove with one of the best cups of Ethiopian coffee I ever have had. There are notes of blueberry in the coffee. Wonderful, complex flavor but very light and clean as well. Yummy, Grove good with it. :lol:

              So discovering something. I seem to be different than many folks. I do 80% or more of my lös when I am NOT at home. At home, I seem to just want to go into unconscious mood. I don't want to think at all, or as little as possible. So not gonna think through doing "steps" to do my snus, I reach for a portion. I am lucky I can do all the lös I want to at work. And with my beautiful Icetool, no reason not to do lös if I am out at a cafe or something.

              I think part of it is I just am always still so very "aware" I have a pris of lös in. Not that I actually think about t much, but I am always "feeling" in there, much more than I ever feel a portion. I guess one of my hopes is to normalize how lös feels to me. The less I feel it, the more I *might* use it,

              Still way to early to decide that. At least so far, other then the pleasure of the ritual, I am not yet feeling why folks seem to like lös so much. I know many folks have said they don't like the portion material in ther mouths. But that has never been an issue for me, I ave compulsively chewed toilet paper for 15 years. So paper in MY mouth feels normal. But I don't get nearly the taste I like with lös.

              But I won't give up for at least 2 months. So still way much time!!!


              • deebocools
                • Nov 2008
                • 661

                sage is playing IN the los sandbox


                • Badfish74
                  • May 2009
                  • 1035

                  I have to say I was quite suprised in the flavor difference between los and portions! The flavor with los seems to come kinda late with los IMO. It also seems smoother. I went the cheap route and MacGuyvered a pris portioner out of a 5ml syringe, but definately planning on buying an Icetool. Like you I'm a paraphenalia's half the fun of a habit!


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Originally posted by deebocools
                    sage is playing IN the los sandbox
                    Was a test to see if you were paying attention. :wink:


                    • BrianC
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 463

                      Personally I like the more muted taste of los. I love portions too, but at times they just have too much flavor for me, and those that are more mild just taste bland. For me, both have their place. I don't see myself ever becoming primarily a portion or a los user. I like the variety.


                      • heppycat
                        • May 2009
                        • 220

                        I've been using mostly loose the past week and exclusively since Monday - even at work. I've been able to keep a pris of Oden's ES Kanel in for an hour and a half, and it's the hardest to bake.
                        I'm mostly using Skruf Stark. Thunder is pretty good too. I can't wait to try everything else


                        • jamesstew
                          • May 2008
                          • 1440

                          I don't find Oden's particularly hard to bake but like Phantom it does make a bloody mess.


                          • jamesstew
                            • May 2008
                            • 1440

                            Oh and it does stay together beautifully; I've been able to use it at work without detection as I can make a very small pris.


                            • whalen
                              • May 2009
                              • 6593

                              Been snusing two weeks, recovering from heart bypass! Playing with los and trying to master it. I have to get my nicotine, yet not blow a gasket too! Pain in butt, cans all over freezer and fridge, all kinds of favorites, then constantly retry second choices again, its all good. I lean towards los, until the mud, seems easier on gums. Trying Mini's with increased nico, got it bad for Cubans, I need help! :shock:
                              wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                              • Ainkor
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 1144

                                I have some lös I have been messing around with. I currently love to mix Nordstroms Mandarin and Vanilla. Pretty kick ass flavors but I still don't get the whole lös thing.

                                What I usually do is make a portion out of them, much easier to me and less mess. I think my wife would blow a gasket if I had a mouth full o' mud

                                One thing I noticed is that I tend to work a portion like a Tijuana hooker so I am used to much more flavor. Lös by itself is just too light flavor wise for me.

                                Now if there were Nordstroms portions, I would be in heaven!


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