Sage is playing is the lös sandbox.

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Pickles and nachos. That would be an awful combo :lol:


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      About freakin time you showed up here. You did see I started with Blue just for you!!!


      • Roo
        • Jun 2008
        • 3446

        Compulsively.... Chewing... On... Toilet Paper? Do tell. And welcome back to lös. Kudos for starting with the Phantom Blue. I too ordered a can because of Xobe and Merc, and I must admit I'm scared to try it after my portion experience. But it's up next in the rotation. Too bad you didn't get any Skruf. Still my favorite. Damn I need an icetool. I'm sure getting sick of this prismaster. Snus On, Sage, snus the **** on. Gettin your lös on in public? You're getting used to it. It's the shit


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          It's still a work in progress at least. But I have no problems with control or mudmouth, so have no issues in most public situations.

          Now that I have an Icetool, I can say with zero reservations, get one!!! It is miles better than a prismaster

          The toilet paper thing I can't really explain, just suddenly started to need to chew on it any opportunity I got. I was something like 30 when t started, and it has not ever abated. Needless to say, I can go through a roll a day at home if I am not careful.

          I did skruff my last time a year plus ago. I liked it, but wanted to do stuff I have never done this first go around.


          • jamesstew
            • May 2008
            • 1440

            Originally posted by sagedil
            About freakin time you showed up here. You did see I started with Blue just for you!!!
            How do you like the Blue so far, going to be joining the army?


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              I was unimpressed honestly. I have put it aside for a week, want to try it again when I have been using lös for a week. I did try the Prima Fint today, and so far, it is my favorite lös so far.

              I am still struggling to even want to use lös. I almost have to force myself sometimes. Still so much prefer the portions. But I will continue, Maybe that can still change?


              • Svarthvitt
                • Jun 2008
                • 97

                I think it'll change.
                Most people here in norway start off with portions, and then they try loose and come to enjoy it. That's what I did and now I enjoy loose much more than portions.


                • Maxpower05080
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 185

                  Originally posted by sagedil
                  If I have learned anything is using snus for 2+ years now, that is just the way of snus. Why I am doing another attempt at liking the lös. Just becasue I really didn't like it last year doesn't mean i won't love it this year.

                  Not there yet!!!!

                  But not hating it either, so giving it all plenty of time.
                  good for you sage! Glad you're liking it! I'm a toally new with los too, and I guess snus in general, but los is nice to have every now and then. If it just wasn't so sloppy!


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Some los is most definitely not sloppy. I have just tried the Prima Fint today, and it holds together really nicely. I have no problems with mud mouth. My issue wit los is I find it far more foreign in my mouth than portions. I am hoping, with enough time, that goes away. But it hasn't yet. I just prefer the feel of portions.


                    • oregonrain
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 45

                      Update. I don't know why I'm interested whether you like los or not but I it's just interesting to see such a long time snuser not dig it. What cans have you cracked open since your first and has there been any progress or are you ready to give up this experiment? I have a wonderful skruf los in right now and I'm definitely enjoying it, but if I had to choose one or the other I would prob pick portions.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        I am probably the best known portions only guy here on Snuson. So given my tenure and post count, I just decided that it was time to really give lös a try. And do it with an Icetool so I have every chance of learning to love it. So many folks I respect have said it takes time to learn to like it, I am committed to giving this as much time as I can.

                        Is it working yet?? I'm not sure. I have actually used it less and less. Sometimes, only once a day and yesterday, not at all. But It still has only been a few weeks, I will give it at least 2 months. My my love for portions is strong, maybe too strong, so only time will tell.

                        So far, on this experiment, I have had Phantom Blue, Grove, and Prima Fint. I am REALLY liking the Prima Fint. I *almost* even look forward to it. I like the taste very much, and it is the most comfortable lös I have tried.

                        But I am still rebelling at having loose s**t in my mouth. Just doesn't feel right. i miss playing with the portions and just find myself happier and more relaxed with a portion in. Again, we shall see if time changes that.


                        • snusmn
                          New Member
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 12

                          Im with you. Granted you are much more experienced, i know exactly where your coming from. I really wanted to like los, but over the past few weeks of trying it ive found myself using less and less. Even at home i have been reaching for portions. I dont mind the los, and will probably continue using a can a month, the portion tast, ease, comfort, and being able to play and move them to me is just more enjoyable.

                          And dont feel bad about your tenure and post count, its nice to jave someone so experienced around still being a portion guy!


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            :lol: :lol: :lol:

                            Thank you. But I do feel that I must at least, make every attempt to come around to the lös. But this morning went like most others. Had a pris of Prima fint in with my coffee. And by 45 minutes, I was desperate to get rid of it. Popped a portion in right after, and I just fell into relaxed bliss.

                            I really do love my portions. I guess I am just loyal to my first loves. That way with women, so why should snus be any different. :wink:


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