Views on Skruf

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  • Maxpower05080
    • Mar 2009
    • 185

    Views on Skruf

    Skruf is fantastic stuff. I have been using the stark for a few days now. My problem with it is it's just too strong! I mean, it hits me way too fast and can't keep the portion it for over 30mins. I need to try skruf regular.

    My whole problem though, and I'm sure many may agree is that I want some skruf los that is tamed down a bit. It would be amazing, but the stark is just too much for me. I know I can make a smaller pris, but any smaller than what I use now would be too small to feel right. I think the brand really mastered the cigar flavor with their snus, with that tiny hint of rose. Los would go wonderfully with a beer, but sadly they only make stark.
  • Dgtl Dvnt
    • Apr 2009
    • 101

    I've tried the Cranberry, Stark Portion, and Stark Los.

    The los is by far the best IMO. I don't normally use high nic snus but the Stark Los is perfect for me.

    The Stark portion on the other hand tastes great but it gives me heartburn every single time I use it.

    The Cranberry is great but in moderation. Too many back to back turns me well "Cranberry"!


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      That was my problem with the portions, I just found them too strong. I was REALLY happy with the Whites when they came out, tones it down a bit. But am even more excited now that I just finally got some regular Skruff White.

      But that was the reason I didn't get any Skruff lös. Tells you something when I adore Thunder and yet can't handle Skruff, even though it technically has less nicotine.


      • jcarlson
        • Aug 2008
        • 82

        I'm a skruf fanatic. I love the los, and the stark whites for portions. I am a sterk/stark user anyway though, so I don't have a problem with the too strong thing. In fact, non- sterk/stark snus doesn't have enough punch for me. Do you get headaches or something? Because Oden's did that to me with every pris. I found my limit with that one.

        Flavor wise though Skruf los is top notch. I just wish I got the burn still. God I miss that.


        • rootsandleaves
          • Oct 2008
          • 33

          The skruf original is one of my favorites. Well balanced, a good tobacco flavor and im a huge fan of bergamot.

          I feel the same way about the sterk, another great snus, but im mostly a regular portion type of guy.

          Never tried the whites, maybe one day but skruf is already pretty mild so idk if it needs to get any milder.

          I also have never tried the los so i cannot comment there, although i think id like it.

          The Skruf cranberry was wretched though, skruf has always been one of my favorites so i figured the cranberry was sure to be a winner, man was i dissapointed. It tasted so artificial and gross, it was like toned down mocca pomegranate (one of the only if not the only can iv thrown away)
          I ended up giving the can to a friend


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            I love Skruf Stark Los. I'm not a fan of their portioned varieties though.


            • Soft Morning, City!
              • Sep 2007
              • 772

              I enjoy the Stark loose on occasion. I love the taste, but strong snus isn't something I can use with much frequency.

              I love Knox. Portion or loose, it's one of my absolute favorites.


              • Hoovie
                • Nov 2008
                • 109

                I'm a huge Knox portion fan (wish it would come back)

                I also like cranberry


                • Maxpower05080
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 185

                  It's not that the stark really gives me a headache, it just hits really hard and makes me a bit light headed. I used a stark portion outside today, working on the garden and REALLY felt the nicotine. It was a good feeling, but I'm not crazy about a big nic buzz anymore. I like the feeling of a regular portion, that slightly relaxes me, and gives a nice flavor.

                  Its so damn odd, how I'm actually starting to love the slow onset of nicotine with snus. I used to love a hard hit of nicotine from a strong cigarette, but now I don't. I bet I can quit tobacco products for good and have no problem. But have no reason too, because I really enjoy my snus. Snus breaks are some of the best parts of my day.


                  • Starcadia
                    • May 2008
                    • 646

                    I'd try Knox and see how you like it. Skruf Stark loose made me queasy in the beginning, but I liked it so much and kept on using it, and after a while it didn't affect me. But the cost, of course, is increased nicotine tolerance. Easier to go up than down.


                    • Yamaha760
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 37

                      I tried Skruf Original today and I was disappointed. I had been using Skruf Stark and loved the taste. But original tasted nothing like the stark to me. I expected the same flavor just less of a nic hit. It was missing the flowery taste I find in the stark. Is it me...maybe a bad can...or do they just taste differently?


                      • Nicobuzz
                        Banned Users
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 144

                        I find it strange why so many people like it.
                        I find it weak and I find that other tobaccos like Odens for instance taste better.
                        I'm trying to work my way through some Skruf Stark and I can't wait until it's finished.


                        • justintempler
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 3090

                          Evereybody's tastes are different.

                          I like Skruf original,
                          Skruf Stark is so so,
                          and I'm going to have a hard time finishing the tranbär.


                          • varg
                            New Member
                            • May 2009
                            • 6

                            All I've tried is the Skruf white portions, but I love them. They're not very salty (comparatively) and just the right amount of bitterness.


                            • CM
                              • Apr 2009
                              • 329

                              I've tried 1 can of skruf stark portion.

                              I loved it, and as a friend of lös, that got to be even better.
                              Hopefully soon a boat-trip to sweden and 5x skruf stark lös towers, 4x röda lacket lös towers and 1x general ES portion or lös.

