How does one go about getting some of this fine product in the US? I tried several ways so far.
Montecristo in US?
I was sent several links to follow, thanks, but still cannot get hooked up. I really want to get the mini's, the los is a given. Any more clues anyone? Here are the sites so far, only one has reg portions and los, no mini's. I am three weeks out of heart surgery, I quit smoking with snus, but need lower portions of nicotine, mini portion is perfect for me. "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!
Only snus worldwide site will allow me to order now, all the others have now started removing orders, I am getting cold feet since while I would really like to try the los, what I really want are the Montecristo minis, snus Worldwide does not carry them. This is getting to be too much hassle, I have Toboca strong minis coming. I want strong minis and los it seems. To strong is bad for "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!