I am sixty three in october. I smoked two packs a day (unfiltered) for forty nine years. (In my day cigarettes had real tobacco in them) I dallyied with cigars years back and I still smoke a pipe once in awhile. I went to my doctor and was told I have emphysema. My firstchoice was nasal snuff. I like the stuff, but it never killed the urge to smoke. For a few weeks I dipped copenhagen. I wound up spitting a lot and a sore throat. I went back to the northener and ordered Oden. I also ordered a plastic prissmaster. I have not smoked in two months. A few things gave me the help. One was I realized I dont know whats in my cigarette. Second was althogh I got a small kick from copenhagen and enjoyed the taste. The odens is smoother and stronger.With the prisstool I can use a lot or a little. Third was I was adopted but got to meet my brother before he died of lung cancer. I say keep snussing. To me it is my special thing. I love it. I feel a lot better after reading what the swedes have done to prepare it. One day they will put it under our FDA and it will be gone. (I will move to sweden ha) To someone who wishes to quit I say get the strong stuff. Stay by your chair. You will get used to it and cigs will seem stupid. I looked at my last smoke and thought I don't know what in it. Pipe tobacco you do. A cigar yes. Snuss yes. The rest NO! Good luck
Thoughts On Smoking and quiting
elmos, I'm so proud you finally quit. It s never too late. I started smoking when I was 9, quit when I was 41, so 32 years for me smoking. I am forever grateful found snus. Not just the health issues, i just like everything about it better than cigarettes. Better nicotine delivery, better taste. Something ancient and so satisfying about using snus.
I too am adopted. I am so glad you met your brother. I will never, California just won't ever unlock any records. And my ex never wanted kids, I can't now. So will go through my entire life never knowing any blood ties. I am so grateful you at least got to meet yours.
am glad you are here with us elmos!
Best of luck to all trying to quit smokes. I've been smoke free for a year thanks to snus and snuff. Granted, like many of us, I'm still a nicotine junkie, but realistically, if I hadn't quit when I did, even @ 31 y/o, I probably wouldn't be typing this right now. Lungs problems are no fun at any age.
I am sorry to hear about your brother, but I am glad you got to meet him. I was put up for adoption at the age of 5 so I knew my mother...but as of know have had no contact with her, so I have no idea if I have siblings. Congrats on being able to quit the cigs! Snus has been a lifesaver for me as well! Good to have you here...this place is a great support group!
Smoking and quiting
Thank you all for your replies.............A side note. Adoption is hard on both sides. My brother was a twin and the other died in the sixties. Never found the parents. Its okay though. Life is like that.
I want to try gotesburg prima loose and phantom loose. any thoughts? I liked general but the citrus thing is not mine. I think in the past I have tried most of the snusses out there. I do have some thunder loose. Interesting how some of the portion ones should be loose. I guess you could always cut open the baggy.
Good on you, man! I recently went through a bout of binge smoking, but I'm finally dumping it again for good, hopefully. I was also a two-pack-a-dayer without a care in the world, but it catches up to you no matter what, sooner or later.
Try a good wad of one of the longcut varieties if you ever get the urge to smoke again......stopped my cravings cold! 8)
Great post, elmos. Reminds me that there are a lot of older folks out there who are much further along with smoking and its dangers than I ever was (20 years), many of whom may never discover the benefits that snus has to offer, and will suffer for it, but that there are also many such as yourself who will find it and be rewarded for it. Congratulations on your discovery and your success.
Good job on the quitting smoking man. There are a ton of us who smoked for years and snus was the only thing that helped us kick it for good. Hopefully you keep snusin' and it'll help add years to your life.
And General doesn't have a HUGE citrus flavor. It's my favorite los and definitely kicks ass. Throw a can of the extra strek on your next order. It's a very very fine snus.
Originally posted by joshuaGood job on the quitting smoking man. There are a ton of us who smoked for years and snus was the only thing that helped us kick it for good. Hopefully you keep snusin' and it'll help add years to your life.
And General doesn't have a HUGE citrus flavor. It's my favorite los and definitely kicks ass. Throw a can of the extra strek on your next order. It's a very very fine snus.
Re: Smoking and quiting
Originally posted by elmosThank you all for your replies.............A side note. Adoption is hard on both sides. My brother was a twin and the other died in the sixties. Never found the parents. Its okay though. Life is like that.
I want to try gotesburg prima loose and phantom loose. any thoughts? I liked general but the citrus thing is not mine. I think in the past I have tried most of the snusses out there. I do have some thunder loose. Interesting how some of the portion ones should be loose. I guess you could always cut open the baggy.
The gotesberg loose is a strange snus, it's very very fine.. Almost too fine for me, but the Phantom loose is a daily favorite.
As we say, Snus On!
I'd say that if you've been a heavy smoker that you'd appreciate the Odens Extra Stark - it's a very very pleasant and strong nicotine delivery.
Also try Claq Qui - it's also quite strong with a very pleasant taste.
Snus is very personal as far as taste goes and you can see that by all the different recommendations. I'd try all the strong ones. The standard 8mg portions do absoloutely nothing for me.
Great post by the way.