Snus shopping spree...chime in with suggestions!

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  • Craig de Tering
    • Nov 2006
    • 525

    Re: Snus shopping spree...chime in with suggestions!

    Originally posted by Coffey
    Tasted like plastic or something.
    LAWL!! Yeah, I think I once likened Gustavus to the reek of cheap chinese vinyl toys.
    I threw out that can after about 3 prillas. It reminded me of getting nauseous as a toddler when putting bits of rust in my mouth. (*Some* thoughts somehow stick at that age. Wonder why...)

    Originally posted by Subtilo
    Too bad I hate the snus itself :roll:
    Thoughts of toilet bowls still giving you the creeps?? Hehehe
    I'm almost done with my roll of Offroad original. Gonna order some more.


    • Subtilo
      • Dec 2006
      • 524

      Re: Snus shopping spree...chime in with suggestions!

      Originally posted by Craig de Tering
      Originally posted by Subtilo
      Too bad I hate the snus itself :roll:
      Thoughts of toilet bowls still giving you the creeps?? Hehehe
      I'm almost done with my roll of Offroad original. Gonna order some more.
      :lol: ... yeah, damn, that Original really kicked me in the nuts. And to be honest ... you've crossed my mind once or twice in various pissoirs around the city ( :shock: ). I mean, that smell, man ... it's in your mouth!


      Still thinking about trying the cranberry and even the licorice - though I can't picture me liking it. You've done the Cranberry, Craig? How is it compared to the Skruf Tranbär?


      • Craig de Tering
        • Nov 2006
        • 525

        Yup, that's me! Good ol' toilet mouth. :lol: Hehehehe... but anyhoo; I've had the cranberry PORTIONS (normal strength) and the taste isn't quite like Skruf Tranbär.
        The Cranberry portions very moist (as are all Offroad portions) but I like it that way. The taste is very organic (as in: not chemical tasting) if perhaps a tiny bit "oily". No other way to describe that. The Skruf is more "fruity", it packs more taste but it's very evident it's added on top.

        The Wintergreen portions are very fresh in the mouth but also not too chemical (but maybe I have a higher threshold than you, or just less discerning). They're maybe a tad more yummy than the Cranberry IMO.

        As for the Licorice *loose*, I like it but I've had like 25 cans and that's enough for long while. Maybe I'll have some again in another year.


        • Subtilo
          • Dec 2006
          • 524

          Thanks, Craig. I think I'll try em all by time ... just for fun (and because of the smooth + practical tin )


          • anweis
            • Aug 2006
            • 70

            Re: Snus shopping spree...chime in with suggestions!

            my suggestion is to stay away from Roots and Catch, and to try everything else. By know you know what format you like (loose, maxi, mini, etc).

            Just order one can of each and try one or two brands per day, and figure out which ones you like. Make notes on the can, because when you have 20 kinds of snus you easily forget which ones you liked.

            Besides, having a variety of tastes in the fridge is nice.

            I usually order 3 rolls of General Onyx (the best snus in the world!!!!)
            and an assortment of 10 or 12 different cans. I like Grovsnus, Knox, Goteborgs Rape no 1 and 2, Roda, Gustavus blue, Kronan, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta (with anis), Gotland green (if they use elderberry for flavoring), and i like switching from time to time.
            I also use Wise original in summer when i am out 2 days in the woods.

            I order from They have a discount on 10 can rolls, and they deliver with UPS. It costs almost $20, but you get the snus in about 2 or 3 days.


            • AlrightMister
              • Jun 2007
              • 28

              After a few orders I've settled on the following as my regulars.

              Offroad Original
              Skruf Stark

              General white portion
              General Onyx
              Mocca Mandarin

              I prefer N&J to Skruff due to flavor. Skruff has none. It does have the perfect texture and moistness and a nice kick which is why it makes the rotation. Offroad Original is unique, a bit fruity, and I really dig it. Great can too. I'm not a fan of Rape, Tre Ankare, or Ettan portions. Ettan seems to have an over the top strange nutty taste to me. I love Onyx but I'm not a fan of the wedge shape. It's the only portion that I feel compelled to smush up and redistribute prior to using. Onyx seems to go sour pretty quickly. I am very close to preferring the General White over the Onyx.

              Results may vary, don't stock up on anything until you've tried everything.


              • chainsnuser
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2007
                • 1388

                Re: Snus shopping spree...chime in with suggestions!

                Originally posted by Zero
                Originally posted by Coffey
                Gustavus- Something about this one really bothered me. Tasted like plastic or something.
                I noticed this too - sometimes with some swedish match snuses as well. I found that after a day or two being out and "breathing" a bit, the plastic-y taste went away. Don't know what causes it, but it seems you can "air it out" to get rid of it. Maybe just the glycol they use to keep it fresh before it's done absorbing moisture - a bit too fresh from the factory :lol:
                I think this applies to many snus-brands to some extent. Exspecially with the first one or two prillas of my favorite Probe Whiskey loose, I always get thoughts like "damn, I thought, I like this stuff", while with the rest of the can it's more like "next time, I should order it by the roll".

                My actual, freshly opened can of Probe even tastes so horrible (imagine some kind of a chemical whiskey taste), that I've just taken it out of the fridge and let it "breathe" at room temperature till tomorrow. The smell has already become much better after a few minutes. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying some Offroad Cranberry loose. BTW, it also gets better and better with every new prilla!

                Maybe the whole "kylvara-freshness-thing" is simply counterproductive in some cases. :idea:



                • chainsnuser
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 1388

                  Re: Snus shopping spree...chime in with suggestions!

                  Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
                  I'm curious if any of the following brands (and any of their variants) would likely suit my tastes (I don't hear about them much or at all)
                  Metropol: Licorice/Lakritsrot White Portions has a very interesting kind of 'gourmet'-licorice-taste with a hint of black tea. Highy recommended, though the white portion-bags kill some of the pleasure. This brand definitely should be sold in original (black) moist portions.

                  Grovsnus: Not to offend anyone, but this brand has a very 'oily' tobacco taste. It's not like advertised IMHO. It's a classic brand and a must-try, anyhow. Many people like it very much.

                  Ettan: Now, this is pure tobacco flavor, accompanied with smoke, salt and some peat-aroma. An absolute MUST-TRY-brand. It's the oldest brand on the market!

                  Kronan: This brand has some kind of a classic taste, quite similar to General, a bit more fruity maybe and definitely worth more than it's actual price.

                  LD Guld tastes like toothpaste to me. The first time, I tried it, even was, after I had brushed my teeth - it made me think, I hadn't washed out my mouth well enough, but it really was the taste of the snus. After about ten disgusting prillas, I finally threw the rest of the can in the garbage. Maybe I just got a bad can, but I don't think, it's a must to try this brand.

                  LD Black Portions has a plain, candy-like licorice-taste. Very good, if you like licorice!

                  Gotland green has a fresh berry-taste. Some describe it as a green apple-taste, but I think it tastes more like a mixture of woodberries and green apple. Highly recommended! When I will have finished my first can of it, I think it will appear quite on top of my favorites-list in the "Personal tastes compared"-thread.

                  Offroad Cranberry has a very unique, smoky-sweet taste. The berry-flavor is quite subtle. I think it's a must, to try it.

                  Mocca Mandarin tastes between tangerine gummi bears and canned tangerines. Not too natural, but very enjoyable.

                  I haven't tried the other brands in your list, but you can't go wrong with testing as many brands as possible. Most are absolutely worth a try, though not every brand will become a favorite of yours.

                  Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
                  I also live in Illinois which is central US. Since it's late July, and therefore supposed to be hot at any given time (it's been nice lately) and likely to take a while to get here being in the middle of U.S. in a hicktown....was wondering what's the quickest way to ship and how to enable that with the snus shops (buysnus and northerner)? How much does it usually cost for some type of super fast shipping?
                  Just do a checkout at these shops. The prices for the superfast shipment-options, unfortunately, begin at about 27,70$. I've never used this option, but with big orders it's sometimes even cheaper than the regular mail.



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