Sleeping with snus

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  • ShaulWolf
    • Jan 2009
    • 495

    Sleeping with snus

    So I popped in some Roda Lacket los and kicked back on the couch watching the X Files DVDs my dad got. I was talking to my darlin' for a bit and commented how I was a little tired and I'd go to sleep soon. Well, soon came sooner than I thought and I was conked out halfway through the episode, Lazarus. 2 hours of sleep the night before will do that I suppose.

    So I wake up and the pris is still there, perfectly formed. I have the taste of dried and salted fruit in my mouth, and it wasn't all too bad. No mess, no drool, nothing. Though I feel like I still need to brush my teeth and rinse again. Maybe next time I'll pop in some Thunder Frost so I have that minty feeling instead. XP
  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    I used to sleep with snus in all the time after quitting smoking, not so much anymore.


    • Roo
      • Jun 2008
      • 3446

      I wouldn't mind if someone could shed some light on why they intentionally sleep with snus. As a smoker, if I woke up from a bad dream or something or couldn't sleep, I would smoke in the middle of the night. I understand that. But if the idea is to lay down and go to sleep for the night, why do some of you put in a snus? Thanks in advance for the insight.


      • Maxpower05080
        • Mar 2009
        • 185

        I never want to fall asleep with snus in my mouth, but almost always have a cigarette or snus portions just before bed. When I feel that I'm about to fall asleep, I take it out. I can see falling asleep with a portion in quite easily though.

        Snus is nice before beats running outside to light up a cig.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          I like the rockin' dreams I get with snus :^)


          • Maxpower05080
            • Mar 2009
            • 185

            ugh i hate vivid dreams! The beautiful thing about nicotine, is that it wears off before the dreaming really starts(that is if you take the portion out). Alcohol too, unless you're drunk.

            But some things give awful vivid dreams for me. Xanax, if mixed with alcohol (which is stupid to do) is of the worst. Ambien gives me nightmares too. Another is melatonin, which is a natural sleep aid you can get pretty much in any drugstore or supermarket. I hated the dreams with that stuff, so I stopped using it.


            • 9 Jack 9
              • Apr 2009
              • 84

              Originally posted by Maxpower05080
              Xanax, if mixed with alcohol (which is stupid to do) is of the worst.
              Yeah. If you're regularly mixing benzos with booze, bad dreams are the least of your worries...


              • EsotericPC
                • Mar 2009
                • 166

                Geez...if I am going to "sleep" with snus, I have definitely got to get to know it first.

                "bad dummm dummm tishhhhh"

                That would be my dumbass joke for the day.


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  I'll add my name to the snus sleepers. From time to time I fall asleep with a pris in but never intentionally and I try to avoid it. The last thing I need is a 24 hour nic habit.

                  As I type it is 12:30 at night, I have a fresh pris in and have just taken a sniff of a fine Dry Toast Snuff. Needless to say, I get my share without having to sleep with it.

                  Something about that last sentence just don't sound right. We are still taking about snus? Right? :?
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • Jason
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 1370

                    Originally posted by Roo
                    I wouldn't mind if someone could shed some light on why they intentionally sleep with snus. As a smoker, if I woke up from a bad dream or something or couldn't sleep, I would smoke in the middle of the night. I understand that. But if the idea is to lay down and go to sleep for the night, why do some of you put in a snus? Thanks in advance for the insight.
                    I've never really understood it, either.....I have done it accidently, and I woke up with serious pickle-lip and a nasty taste in my mouth. Fookin' disgusting, if you ask me... :?


                    • ShaulWolf
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 495

                      To be fair I didn't do it voluntarily. I was halfway through the episode and that's all I remember. Between only a couple hours of sleep, lifting, and landscaping I just passed the fook out.


                      • Shownarou
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 124

                        I like to put a few portions on the pillow next to me, it's comforting to have my snus there to keep me warm and cozy in the middle of the night. :P


                        • heppycat
                          • May 2009
                          • 220

                          I've gone to bed a couple times with a portion in. It leaves some really nasty looking drool stains on the pillow. Wifey finally complained enough that I keep an empty can on the night stand.


                          • stew.12
                            • May 2008
                            • 92

                            Ever worry about choking on your pree?


                            • heppycat
                              • May 2009
                              • 220

                              Originally posted by stew.12
                              Ever worry about choking on your pree?
                              No, but I did wake up one night because I had chewed up a Camel Frost portion. I cant remember ever having such a disgusting taste in my mouth.


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