Well Jeff, again let me say that I feel your pain. Or have felt your pain. I'm going to let my wife read this, because your situation is almost exactly like mine, minus the e-cig attempt.
Looking back at my situation, I know now that I handled it completely wrong in the beginning. I should have NEVER promised/told her that I'd quit. Really, I was just telling her what she wanted or needed to hear to get off the subject.
At this point, you're probably gonna need to do some damage control, and back up and get her to agree to have a candid conversation on the benefits of snus vs cigarettes. It's probably going to be hard, considering all you've been through thus far. She'll do it, only because she loves you though.
Once I fully was able to gain amy's attention on the tobacco subject, and sit her down and show her the studies, medical reports, etc that prove snus to be a healthier alternative to smoking. She was onboard. I further explained that nicotine is not what's bad for our bodies, it's the way that we "get" our nicotine that can harm us, and snus is the least harmful way. Once you gain agreement there, you'll explain that later after the cigarettes are a thing of the past, you can begin stepping yourself down to lower nicotine levels of snus, to quit that. BUT only if you chose to quit. Don't promise to do that...otherwise you're building yet another obstacle in the future.
Point out to her that snus is and WILL save you money over cigarettes, and that extra money can be spent or saved for a vacation, or something else positive. Stay positive and don't get confrontational if at all possible, remember if you can explain snus and it's benefits to her, you can explain it to anyone...cuz she's pissed at you right now!!
As for quitting cigs with snus, you will have to use an Ekstra sterk portion or lossnus to curb the cravings, at least I did. Once I went to several sterks or ES in a day, quitting smoking was easy bro.
Good luck Jeff...let us know how it works out.
Looking back at my situation, I know now that I handled it completely wrong in the beginning. I should have NEVER promised/told her that I'd quit. Really, I was just telling her what she wanted or needed to hear to get off the subject.
At this point, you're probably gonna need to do some damage control, and back up and get her to agree to have a candid conversation on the benefits of snus vs cigarettes. It's probably going to be hard, considering all you've been through thus far. She'll do it, only because she loves you though.
Once I fully was able to gain amy's attention on the tobacco subject, and sit her down and show her the studies, medical reports, etc that prove snus to be a healthier alternative to smoking. She was onboard. I further explained that nicotine is not what's bad for our bodies, it's the way that we "get" our nicotine that can harm us, and snus is the least harmful way. Once you gain agreement there, you'll explain that later after the cigarettes are a thing of the past, you can begin stepping yourself down to lower nicotine levels of snus, to quit that. BUT only if you chose to quit. Don't promise to do that...otherwise you're building yet another obstacle in the future.
Point out to her that snus is and WILL save you money over cigarettes, and that extra money can be spent or saved for a vacation, or something else positive. Stay positive and don't get confrontational if at all possible, remember if you can explain snus and it's benefits to her, you can explain it to anyone...cuz she's pissed at you right now!!
As for quitting cigs with snus, you will have to use an Ekstra sterk portion or lossnus to curb the cravings, at least I did. Once I went to several sterks or ES in a day, quitting smoking was easy bro.
Good luck Jeff...let us know how it works out.