What are you taking with you this weekend?

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  • ctimb2002
    • Apr 2009
    • 483

    What are you taking with you this weekend?

    So for those of us in the U.S. this weekend is a holiday weekend. Memorial day weekend celebrates our men and women who died in the armed services.

    If you are leaving to go visit family or take a mini vacation this weekend which snus is coming with you and where are you going?

    I am going to be taking with me 2 cans of Thunder, one WG, one frosted, a can of Grov Black, and possibly either my green gotlands or my skruf stark los. I am heading up to Georgia to visit family and spend some time on the Lake fishing and jet skiing I'll try and get some pictures up on jaamo.
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Not going anywhere. But in all my travel since I started with snus, i take about 3X what I need. Guess I just fear running out. Plus, I never know ahead of time what I will be in the mood for. So I just take a mini version of my normal horde.


    • pangloss
      • May 2009
      • 183

      I too am not going anywhere, but I will be having marathon sessions in the library. During which I will be consuming my recent shipment (I gots it todayz!!!): Camel Original, Jacobson Ice Fruit, and Gotenborg's Rape No. 2.

      And hopefully if Santa Claus (the mail man) comes in the nick of time, som Elix Energy!!!



      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I'm hanging around the house, so 10-15 different kinds I guess :^D

        If I travel overnight I take about 6 different types, and for a day trip, about 3.


        • HK11
          • May 2009
          • 631

          Im going to a ren festival with my wife outside of dallas. I realized earlier that I dont really have much except sterks/strongs and its going to be hot as hell with like 6 dollar bottled water.

          I guess Im gonna carry some Skruf and N&J and maybe some of the mini mints incase the hot sun + massive sterk drip get to me.


          • pangloss
            • May 2009
            • 183

            Originally posted by HK11
            Im going to a ren festival with my wife outside of dallas. I realized earlier that I dont really have much except sterks/strongs and its going to be hot as hell with like 6 dollar bottled water.

            I guess Im gonna carry some Skruf and N&J and maybe some of the mini mints incase the hot sun + massive sterk drip get to me.
            Sweet! Sounds way better than my weekend =) Are you from Texas? I live by the Medical Center in Dallas.


            • Badfish74
              • May 2009
              • 1035

              Well my wife has to work this weekend so me and the baby will be kicking it at the house. I hope that everybody that does travel has a very safe trip and an awesome weekend! And please keep in mind not only the ones who have given their lives, but all those still serving both stateside and overseas!


              • dEFinitionofEPIC
                • Apr 2009
                • 146

                3 day weekend: Can of Catch Eucalyptus for all purpose, Lucky Strike (RIP) for drinking, LD Black for dessert...


                • ODurren
                  • May 2009
                  • 66

                  Working midnight shift! so just one can of whatever I have open. hoping mail man comes by so I can take a can of N&J's to work


                  • HK11
                    • May 2009
                    • 631

                    Originally posted by pangloss
                    Originally posted by HK11
                    Im going to a ren festival with my wife outside of dallas. I realized earlier that I dont really have much except sterks/strongs and its going to be hot as hell with like 6 dollar bottled water.

                    I guess Im gonna carry some Skruf and N&J and maybe some of the mini mints incase the hot sun + massive sterk drip get to me.
                    Sweet! Sounds way better than my weekend =) Are you from Texas? I live by the Medical Center in Dallas.
                    I used to live in Irving, but now I live in arkansas.


                    • KarlvB
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 681

                      I am flying to South Africa for a week tomorrow. General White is easily available but for variety I am taking

                      Skruf Original x 2
                      Grov White
                      Jakobsson's Original
                      Skruf Stark los
                      Ettan Los


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