I remember a stand up comedian on the Stand Up Australia program once made a joke about an american who "put tobacco shit in his lip and got cancer and they had to remove his jaw." This guy apparently was interviewed in a news story with half his jaw gone and trying to say "I did not expect it to happen."
The comic likened this guy to someone who would have trouble folding his bed sheets (with half his jaw off.)
But the comedian made a point of stating that "it's only real rednecks who do it... I don't know what kind of sensation it gives 'em, maybe it makes them hate minorities more!"
I found this amusing but is it true that only country people and those who we aussies would call "Bogans" use it?
But the snus image seems to be more commonly accepted (throughout sweden anyway) although perhaps that is just the marketing depts of the snus companies trying to attract more users? Hard to say. Any thoughts guys?
The comic likened this guy to someone who would have trouble folding his bed sheets (with half his jaw off.)
But the comedian made a point of stating that "it's only real rednecks who do it... I don't know what kind of sensation it gives 'em, maybe it makes them hate minorities more!"
I found this amusing but is it true that only country people and those who we aussies would call "Bogans" use it?
But the snus image seems to be more commonly accepted (throughout sweden anyway) although perhaps that is just the marketing depts of the snus companies trying to attract more users? Hard to say. Any thoughts guys?