taking out of the freezer

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  • dave1
    • May 2009
    • 74

    taking out of the freezer

    I was wondering, when you take snus out of the freezer is it okay to leave it out for a day or two. Read a post on if it's left in the fridge it will dry out. Was wondering too if freezing will do the same thing.
  • Maxpower05080
    • Mar 2009
    • 185

    Re: taking out of the freezer

    Originally posted by dave1
    I was wondering, when you take snus out of the freezer is it okay to leave it out for a day or two. Read a post on if it's left in the fridge it will dry out. Was wondering too if freezing will do the same thing.
    Yeah it will be just fine. Just try not to leave it out where it gets to hot or for more than a few days. I left a can out for over a week and it was fine...much better when kept cool though.


    • dave1
      • May 2009
      • 74

      The main reason I asked was I tried a can of knox and oden's extra stark original. They both looked and felt very moist but when I tried them neither had any juice or flavor at all. I gave them both around 30 min and nothing. Is this how they are or are they kinda dried from being in the fridge. I put a little water in the oden's to see if it would juice up and give some flavor. They had been in the fridge for 2 days if that gives any insight to an answer.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        I have never seen any degradation from snus in the fridge after 2 days. A month, maybe. But not 2 days.


        • Maxpower05080
          • Mar 2009
          • 185

          Originally posted by dave1
          The main reason I asked was I tried a can of knox and oden's extra stark original. They both looked and felt very moist but when I tried them neither had any juice or flavor at all. I gave them both around 30 min and nothing. Is this how they are or are they kinda dried from being in the fridge. I put a little water in the oden's to see if it would juice up and give some flavor. They had been in the fridge for 2 days if that gives any insight to an answer.
          They should be fine...I wouldn't add any water to them. Snus is not supposed to be wet, but just slightly moist. If the portion feels soft then it should be just fine. Bad snus would be portions that are rough and firm to the touch, rather than soft.


          • kevin
            New Member
            • May 2009
            • 11

            So Sage do you figure a month is about max time for refridgeration??? any product i plan on keeping longer would you suggest freezing? and have you ever frozen any products and used them some months after expiry,and if so how did you find that? Regards Kevin.[/quote]


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by kevin
              So Sage do you figure a month is about max time for refridgeration??? any product i plan on keeping longer would you suggest freezing? and have you ever frozen any products and used them some months after expiry,and if so how did you find that? Regards Kevin.

              Snus won't freeze indefinitely. I have some that are over a year past the expiration, and while quite usable, they aren't as good as brand new. I keep my cans that are in use in the fridge, and my backup cans in the freezer. If I only bought 1 roll at a time, and only used that 1 roll, I'd probably store the whole thing in the fridge.


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                My strategy is simple. Snus arrives, it goes in the freezer. Although much of what I get I will use quickly, I keep anywhere from 40 - 80 cans on hand at any given time. So less favorite stuff will often sit until I finally decide I am in the mood. And yes, have had snus LONG after expiration date. Swedish Match says it can last up to a year frozen. For all i know, have gone even a bit past that, never any issues with the snus.

                As I take snus out of the freezer that I am just gonna use for the next several days, that never gets cold again. Just sits with me at all times.

                The only snus to go in the refrigerator is snus that I am gonna only have one or two a day. Oynx would be the best example of that type of snus. My Triumph is another. Plus I have the V2 test snus I still haven't used in the refrigerator.

                yes, n there long enough, it will dry out a bt, but t is still fine. taste is not much affected, if at all. And once t's in my mouth, t's not really dry at all.

                My triumph now has been in the fridge gong on 3 months, my Camel Spice for 6 months, and the V2 test snus has to be at least 2 months old now. ALL of it is fine. Heck, the V2 has never dried out at all!!!


                All this is to say, don't overstress it. You really can abuse the snus far more than you might realize. In two+ years, I have only found maybe two or three times I had snus that had become, say uncomfortable to use, and that was stuff that had been buried open in the fridge for like 10 months. Just too dry to even bother with.


                • dave1
                  • May 2009
                  • 74

                  I just thought it a little odd. The phantom blue I had in there was just fine had flavor and juice. The knox and oden's had neither. Anyway put everything in the freezer and today cracked open skruf stark and it was fine. mighty tasty and strong too. By the way the experation dates on both knox and oden's were months from going bad. Maybe a bad can or something.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    That's always possible.


                    • kevin
                      New Member
                      • May 2009
                      • 11

                      Sorry to be a thread stealer but felt that what i have to say didn,t warrant it,s own one.
                      lxskllr and Sage i appreciate your answers , and have honestly learnt much from you two just from grazing through this site. i read a classic of yours Sage can,t remember where or when, but you mentioned that you had answered many questions 100 fold , over and over again, i think that is impressive. Kudos


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        It seems the focus here is on portions. Let me throw in a little about loose.

                        Like sage my snus goes from mailbox to freezer. The snus I am using stays in the fridge. Also when I am down to my last few helpings from one can I will pull another from the freezer and let it defrost in the fridge.

                        Now as far as loose goes I have found two general rules (whether or not these translate to portions is beyond my ability to answer)

                        First: loose snus once opened will keep about a week after that it is still usable but taste and moisture have begun to decline.V2 products and things like Kronan become crumbly, which make them harder to bake (I don’t bake- I just pinch and toss- so its not really a big deal but I will spit out a good many more stray bits than normal). Also the flavor of most brands seems to become milder and more indistinct.

                        Second, keeping snus in the fridge is best IMO. However, keeping snus in a constant environment is really more important. To have a can out an hour and then put it back in the fridge for an hour and so on will do far more to shorten the life than simply leaving it out.

                        When I started snus I would have only one can going at a time and I left it out. I never noticed any real difference in the longevity (but I wasn’t exceeding more than 4 days per can). At present I usually have two cans going. I keep them in the fridge because I like cool snus and because it seems to give me a little longer shelf life (especially in the winter when the heat dries out the air).

                        Anyway this concerns loose and so may be of help to others who are reading the thread but who don’t use portion exclusively.
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • somebodysomeone88
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 43

                          After I quit snus the first time to return begrudgingly to my smokey cancer sticks I had left over cans, all opened, that I left stacked up in a backpack inside of a locker. They were left away from refridgeration and had never seen a freezer for a little over 5 months I believe. Suddenly I was inspired to give snus another go 'round (best decision ever) and I resorted to those cans to tide me over until an order came in. Even after the long exposure to a hot and humid Hawaii climate I had no problems with the portions at all. They were just a little dry but still worked like a charm. I can't say I've ever experienced a bad snus. (The brands that I had out that I resorted to were Nick and Johnny, Skruff ES, and the Catch mini Eucalyptus)


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Thank you!!! That has been my experience as well but like to get others chning in with their own experiences.


                            • chadizzy1
                              • May 2009
                              • 7432

                              Originally posted by sagedil
                              My strategy is simple. Snus arrives, it goes in the freezer. Although much of what I get I will use quickly, I keep anywhere from 40 - 80 cans on hand at any given time. So less favorite stuff will often sit until I finally decide I am in the mood. And yes, have had snus LONG after expiration date. Swedish Match says it can last up to a year frozen. For all i know, have gone even a bit past that, never any issues with the snus.

                              As I take snus out of the freezer that I am just gonna use for the next several days, that never gets cold again. Just sits with me at all times.

                              The only snus to go in the refrigerator is snus that I am gonna only have one or two a day. Oynx would be the best example of that type of snus. My Triumph is another. Plus I have the V2 test snus I still haven't used in the refrigerator.

                              yes, n there long enough, it will dry out a bt, but t is still fine. taste is not much affected, if at all. And once t's in my mouth, t's not really dry at all.

                              My triumph now has been in the fridge gong on 3 months, my Camel Spice for 6 months, and the V2 test snus has to be at least 2 months old now. ALL of it is fine. Heck, the V2 has never dried out at all!!!


                              All this is to say, don't overstress it. You really can abuse the snus far more than you might realize. In two+ years, I have only found maybe two or three times I had snus that had become, say uncomfortable to use, and that was stuff that had been buried open in the fridge for like 10 months. Just too dry to even bother with.

                              did i see you say you like triumph? :?


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