New to snus, need your suggestiions

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  • baddestdudeintown
    New Member
    • May 2009
    • 3

    New to snus, need your suggestiions

    Hi all, long time reader, first time poster.

    Ok, so what i'm about to say may be considered blasphemy, and will probably upset you.

    I, like many others, found Camel SNUS, and have been using it as a way to drastically cut back on smoking. I actually REALLY like the Camel Mellow, sweetness and all. So when i found this site, i learned about "real" Swedish snus and how much better it was. I ordered a General portions sampler pack, and just got it in the mail two days ago. I've tried several of them, and i'm finding that i just can't handle the saltiness. The mint ones are tolerable, but i'm not big into mint. The general portions in particular taste absolutely disgusting to me, and seem to give me ass breathe.

    Whats probably happened is that the Camel SNUS has tainted my palette with its sweetness, and now everything else tastes weird. I've read all the posts that say to give it a chance, but the General isn't going to work for me. I've been trying to alternate, but find myself suffering through the General stuff, and then really enjoying the Camel. I really want to switch to Sweedish though, because they have to meet strict requirements for low TSNAs and such, whereas i don't really trust the Camels since they seem so secretive about what they really do to them.

    So, the question.. can you reccomend a Swedish snus that has a sweeter, less salty taste, that isn't mint, that might make a good bridge for me?

    I must be the "American" that they designed the Camel Snus for.. i hate to say it, but i love it.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Welcome to Snuson :^)

    Almost all Swedish snus tends to be salty, and none will be as sweet as Camel. If you like licorice, LD Black is very good. It's not sweet, but the sweetness is implied. It has a strong licorice flavor. That's all I'm really coming up with atm. You could try Gotland Green. It's not sweet, but it tastes like green apples(elderberry's what it really is).

    Swedish snus is mostly an acquired taste I guess. You don't get the subtleties at first, but as you use it more and more, you pick up the complexities that are non existent in Camel.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Welcome to Snuson baddestdudeintown

      Before you gve up on the General, just wait a bit. It has now been a year and a ahlf since Camel arrived, and we have much experiment with folks making the switch. It just takes a bit of time for your palate to suddenly start loving the Swedish.

      Typical time is about a week to get acclimated to the salt. right now, your body s just rebelling a bit from it. But within a week, you won't taste it hardly at all anymore. promise, it will be like magic. We have had hundreds of folks come through here go through exactly what you are experiencing.

      I will leave it to others to make suggestions. But whatever else you do, keep trying the Swedish the next 5 days or so. i promise, you WILL come to love it.


      • baddestdudeintown
        New Member
        • May 2009
        • 3

        Thanks for the replies! What about Triumph? I heard that one has an "Americanized" taste.

        I figure if i can find something in between General and Camel, it would help me make the switch, with out the salt shock


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by baddestdudeintown
          Thanks for the replies! What about Triumph? I heard that one has an "Americanized" taste.

          I figure if i can find something in between General and Camel, it would help me make the switch, with out the salt shock
          Triumph would be a good bridge snus. It's pretty sweet, but not as much as the Camel. The mint flavor's mint of course, and the regular tastes kind of like peaches to me, but not a strong peach flavor.


          • DaveInPA
            • May 2009
            • 119

            Maybe try some Skruf Cranberry?


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              I hear you can now get triumph from Northerner's American warehouse. Up until now, it has only been available in Georgia or Ohio.

              I love Triumph, but it is a once a day desert snus for me at best, a bit too sweet.

              Do you like licorice?? If so, LD Black is a must!! No salt taste, and the best licorice snus IMHO.


              • Badfish74
                • May 2009
                • 1035

                Welcome to the forum baddestdudeintown! The closest to sweet swedish is Catch licorice. It's a white portion so the flavor is a tad muted. I switched from Camel mellow *patooie* about a month ago, and I have to say that at first the saltiness of the Swedish snus repulsed me. After about a week I came to absolutely love it! Now I can barely even taste a hint of the saltiness, and the taste of Camel actually makes me nauseous. Just stick with it and you'll come to love it too, I promise!


                • baddestdudeintown
                  New Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 3

                  Originally posted by sagedil
                  I hear you can now get triumph from Northerner's American warehouse. Up until now, it has only been available in Georgia or Ohio.

                  I love Triumph, but it is a once a day desert snus for me at best, a bit too sweet.

                  Do you like licorice?? If so, LD Black is a must!! No salt taste, and the best licorice snus IMHO.
                  I do like licorice, in moderation. I'll give that a try. I'm going to put together a mixed order, so so far it'll be triumph original, LD black, and Skruf rasberry. I'm in Arizona, and they don't seem to sell anything locally. Tobacco laws are weird here.. i don't think they're allowed to. The few tobacco shops i tried had no clue what i was talking about

                  Keep the suggestions coming!


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    One more suggestion...

                    Röda Lacket - slightly sweet, don't remember there being too much salt.

                    And remember, Northerner is the ONLY place you can buy Triumph online. Up until now, i had to depend on friends in Georgia and Ohio to send me some.


                    • rscott222
                      • May 2009
                      • 346


                      I'm new to snus also and made some of my first orders. I've been livin' on American Camel now for two weeks and can't wait for my first order of real Snus to come in the mail. I pretty sure Camel threw in some aspartame or sorbitol into theirs because man if I Snus a lot I get the runs, lol. I checked all of the local tobacco shops in south central Wisconsin and they only have Camel. If anyone knows of a place I can go lmk.

                      I choose to do a General sample box and some Phantom (It was cheap, and I didn't know) from getsnus as my first foray into Swedish snus and I can't wait to get a top 10 sampler from Northerner when I get paid.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Welcome too to Snuson rscott222

                        Same advice for you. Give it time. Know ahead of time it will taste a bit strange and maybe not good at first. But within a week, i promise you will be turned. 99% of the folks who made the jump from camel and posted here soon came to love Swedish snus.

                        I am glad you are starting with the General and will get a Top 10 box from Northerner soon. Phantom?? Some like it, others don't. Just not the best example of what Swedish snus is all about. But General has 70% of the market share in Sweden. So start with that and you will be just the same as most everyone in Sweden. :wink:


                        • Qor
                          • May 2009
                          • 197

                          Originally posted by baddestdudeintown
                          Originally posted by sagedil
                          I hear you can now get triumph from Northerner's American warehouse. Up until now, it has only been available in Georgia or Ohio.

                          I love Triumph, but it is a once a day desert snus for me at best, a bit too sweet.

                          Do you like licorice?? If so, LD Black is a must!! No salt taste, and the best licorice snus IMHO.
                          I do like licorice, in moderation. I'll give that a try. I'm going to put together a mixed order, so so far it'll be triumph original, LD black, and Skruf rasberry. I'm in Arizona, and they don't seem to sell anything locally. Tobacco laws are weird here.. i don't think they're allowed to. The few tobacco shops i tried had no clue what i was talking about

                          Keep the suggestions coming!
                          Hey there baddestdudeintown,

                          I am also in Arizona. I did alot of research and I have found a few places that sell snus here.

                          Ye Olde Pipe & Tobacco Shoppe
                          4525 N. 24th Street #110
                          Phoenix, AZ 85016

                          I know for sure they sell General, but I am not sure about other brands.

                          And then the one I went to...

                          Cigar King
                          7830 E. Gelding Ste 100
                          Scottsdale, AZ 85260

                          However, Cigar King only sells General brand, but they do have Wintergreen in stock. They had a General fridge and it was freshly dated as well. Maybe if we pester the fella enough, he will start ordering more varieties!

                          I hope that helps a bit. I have ordered from and they have arrived in about 6-7 business days.



                          • rscott222
                            • May 2009
                            • 346

                            Snus in Wisconsin

                            Thanks for the welcome! It seems there is a lot to explore so I am really excited. I'm not surprised that people's palates change after all I don't eat the same food everyday. With all this talk of Goverment Legislation (Both of my senators are sponsors) I was hoping to find a local retailer. Anyone in Wisconsin find one?


                            • justintempler
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 3090

                              Originally posted by Badfish74
                              I switched from Camel mellow *patooie*
                              Canada has a sitcom called Corner Gas
                              Everytime someone says Wullerton (a rival small town) on the show everyone spits.

                              <embed src=",t=1,mt=video" width="425" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"></embed>

                              Camel snus = Wullerton

                              "you're one of us now!" :twisted:


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