Any Thunder Frosted users?

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  • DaveInPA
    • May 2009
    • 119

    Any Thunder Frosted users?

    Browsing around the getsnus website, Thunder Frosted looks like a great variety to try next. Big ass nic hit at 16mg, and the flavor sounds appealing. So, for those of you that use it:

    1. Does it drip a lot? In other words, if I have it in and smile, are people going to be asking me what the **** is all over my teeth?

    2. How's the flavor? How long does it last?

    3. How hard does it hit, nicotine wise, in comparison to N&J or Skruf stark?

  • Roo
    • Jun 2008
    • 3446

    Hey Dave, you can find a ton written here about Frosted, it was a big hit when it first came out not long ago and still is...

    to asnswer you questions, I had no problem with dripping -- the portion is very soft and flexible so you can cram it way up there.

    The flavor is way too spearment-y to use all the time IMO but other folks can't get enough. That said, it's a pleasant spearmint and a big surprise for snus flavor. Tastes like Wrigleys. Flavor lasts forever. And I do mean that. People have posted about it lasting 6+ hours. Even overnight in Xobeloot's case.

    Nic hit does not kick your ass. Comes on slow and keeps steady. Whatever the case, try it. Try it all!


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      f'ing STRONG. the first time you try it you'll have to take it out after like 10 minutes or you get lightheaded, but you get used to it and it's a good kick in the ass first the in the morning snus. it tastes GREAT fresh out of the freezer. it's icy and minty. i love it. they have a mini portion of it coming out in august...i believe, and i can't wait.


      • HK11
        • May 2009
        • 631

        Not as strong as skruf to me. Pleasant drip. Im a little tired of the mint but they are good.

        I noticed something in a few of the pouches that was like stems or hard pieces.

        I'll keep some around but not my everyday.


        • somebodysomeone88
          • Apr 2009
          • 43

          I was always a sucker for minty tobacco, even when I used american dip, so Thunder Frosted quickly became my everyday snus. I think the drip for me is usually hit or miss, half the time I barely even notice it, the other half the portion bleeds like a stab wound. As for the nicotine hit; if you've been using Nick and Johnny or skruff sterk odds are it won't hit as hard, but it'll come on slow and steady and keep lasting to win the race. The only time it threatens to put me on my ass is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, or after a day or so with no nicotine at all.


          • DaveInPA
            • May 2009
            • 119

            Originally posted by somebodysomeone88
            I was always a sucker for minty tobacco, even when I used american dip, so Thunder Frosted quickly became my everyday snus. I think the drip for me is usually hit or miss, half the time I barely even notice it, the other half the portion bleeds like a stab wound. As for the nicotine hit; if you've been using Nick and Johnny or skruff sterk odds are it won't hit as hard, but it'll come on slow and steady and keep lasting to win the race. The only time it threatens to put me on my ass is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, or after a day or so with no nicotine at all.
            Good info, thanks. Same to everyone else who replied. A day with no nicotine? I haven't had one of those in 10 years.


            • somebodysomeone88
              • Apr 2009
              • 43

              I only have days without nicotine when I drank myself literally retarded the night before and end up with a hangover involving the shakes the next day. At that point any form of nicotine delivery system at all makes me vomit.


              • Badfish74
                • May 2009
                • 1035

                I know it sounds contradictory, but I agree with all the above posts! The mint flavor is a really nice break from the more traditional tobacco flavor.

                As far as the kick, sometimes it threatens to kick my butt, and sometimes it just gives me a nice kick.

                To me it's a sort of "unpredictable" snus, but I really like it!


                • Jason
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 1370

                  Love the flavor, but honestly, I don't find it that strong....and this is coming from someone who has a general sensitivity to the sterks/starks/strongs. Skruf Stark beats the shit out of me almost every single time, but TF has yet to do that once.

                  Strangely, I find that regular Thunder does the job pretty well, though... :?


                  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 2781

                    I have gone through a can and ordered two more but I can't help you much. I put one in once a nite right after brushing my teeth and right before going to sleep.

                    Flavor: Tastes great with toothpaste, I'm guessing not that great with beer.

                    Juice: Seems to leave about the same amount of brown drool stains on my pillowcase as others.

                    Nic: Don't really know, but I fall asleep fast and have pretty intense dreams.


                    • african redbush
                      • May 2009
                      • 80

                      tastes great, kinda reminds me of minty dental floss (i like it) and the flavor lasts quite a while. i've kept them in for over an hour. however, i couldnt really tell that it was a strong portion.


                      • reshumate
                        • May 2008
                        • 94

                        Just bought 5 cans. So far I'm a fan. Burns more than my other brands, but I'm getting used to it. I like spearmint, and the subtle flavoring is nice. It's not overpowering like Camel or General Wintergreen.

                        Not sure about the nic hit, as I always have at least one can of something stark open. Did get a bit sick after putting in a portion the other day, but am not 100% sure the nic was the reason.


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