are the stark varieties going to kick my ass?

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  • pubb
    New Member
    • May 2009
    • 5

    are the stark varieties going to kick my ass?

    Just placed my second online order, got a few cans of skruf stark and oden extra stark kanel. So far I've only been using the average 8mg nic portions, I didn't quite realize how much nic was in the oden's especially. The 8mg portions don't really give me a buzz, but I can feel it, are the stark portions going to kill me? Take it slow?
  • RobsanX
    • Aug 2008
    • 2030

    Nah, you'll be fine. Just don't chain snus starks. Mix it up a little...


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      The Skruff, even though "less" nicotine than the Odens, is gonna kick much harder. It is just a very fast acting hit, almost too much for me personally. But love the Skruff Stark whites. Odens, along with it''s cousin Thunder, is a much more mellow hit. But it will last, and last, and last!!! That is what makes t so unique. So definitely DO NOT chain snus the Odens. Lesson had to learn the hard way. It is a snus you have, then have a few regular snus before you have another.


      • luckysealy
        • Dec 2008
        • 281

        if you are a big ole sissy then yes they will. :twisted:


        • elespectrol
          • Mar 2009
          • 45

          I second what sage says (never to wrong with his advice he has educated many a snuby myself included) just wanted to add skryf stark is delicious beyond belief and you may want to chain it or throw in huge portions but that is where I got in to trouble. I used to handbale huge portins of skruf to get the most of the flavor I can but the nic dose got me sick everytime.


          • Nicobuzz
            Banned Users
            • Apr 2009
            • 144

            The 8 mg don't do much for me and if I'm extra Starking it all the time it's not good. So I've found my level at Claq Qui which is 13mg - a nice level in between regular portions at 8mg and stark at up to 17mg.

            I still use Odens Extra Stark but only about twice a day, ususally last thing at night.


            • heppycat
              • May 2009
              • 220

              The starks will be strong at first but after a few days your body will adjust to the higher nick concentration.


              • DaveInPA
                • May 2009
                • 119

                Take it easy at first. Nick & Johnny almost knocked me out the first time I tried it. Then again, I just had woken up (4:00 AM), and put one in on an empty stomach. It hit me fairly hard.


                • chainsnuser
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 1388

                  Re: are the stark varieties going to kick my ass?

                  Originally posted by pubb
                  are the stark portions going to kill me?
                  No, definitely not!

                  First, the nicotine content also in the strong brands is nowhere near of being life-threatening (for a grown-up human being).

                  Second, you'll spit the portion out in case the nicotine-impact becomes unpleasurable, and you'll be feeling fine again within minutes.

                  Besides of that, for everyone seeking a "kick" or a "high" from snus: simply chainsnus brands like Skruf Stark, General Ekstra Sterk, Odens Extra Stark etc. After half a day you're healed from that search. On the other hand, for everyone who wants to kick the cigarettes for good, everything else but to try at least one of the strong brands would be unwise.

                  Just my two cents.



                  • HK11
                    • May 2009
                    • 631

                    I went to a 10am meeting this morning with a fresh skruf sterk and no drink. I actually got teary eyed and started the hiccups. Skruf can hit had as hell compared to thunder. Sometimes it's just like BAM.


                    • exexpat
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 22

                      Strong Snus

                      A snus can have a strong nicotine content and not effect you much. A snus can have a regular amount and effect you like heroin.

                      Some flavors effect me more than the nicotine content. A very strong tobacco flavor might make me slightly ill. While Oden's Cina Extra Strong is very pleasent and has no ill effects.

                      I imagine also if you were an ex smoker or snuff user. If you are new to the whole thing - go slow. It only takes a second to get rid of your portion or chaw and in a few moments you'll be back on steady ground.

                      Delivery must also play a part. Some dump all the nicotine at once and quickly. Others spread out the nicotine over time.


                      • jackolantern
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 198

                        One of the nice things about extra strong snus is that you can quickly tell when it is getting to be too much for you. If you pop it in and a few minutes later, you just start feeling unexplainably nervous and/or shaky, it is the snus. Just spit it out, and you will feel fine in just a couple of minutes. After spitting it out, don't use any more snus for probably a half hour or more.

                        It is not like cigarettes, where if you take in too much nicotine it is usually too late and you feel completely like crap. The nicotine absorption rate from snus is much slower.


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