Elixyr Energy Portion V.S. Northerner Energy Portion

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  • ctimb2002
    • Apr 2009
    • 483

    Elixyr Energy Portion V.S. Northerner Energy Portion

    The final showdown. Last week I ordered one can of Elixyr and one can of Northerner Energy Portion. I decided that a scientific experiment should be performed to determine which is better on a wide range of criteria. The criteria I choose were as follows...Taste, Smell, Alertness level, Nicotine Delivery, Value, and an overall enjoyment score(this will encompass my overall feelings on the two products) Obviously I am no scientist and this is all IMHO. I will carry this experiment out over the next week so such items like alertness level and nicotine level will take some time to see which is "better" other opinions also have a chance to change such as taste and smell. So tomorrow I will mark as Day 1 and we will see. Every day I will wake up and within 30 min of waking up I will use either an Elixyr or a Northerner EP on a every other day basis. At 5 pm I will consume the opposite energy portion. I choose 5pm because that is usually the time my energy starts to drain again. Here are my observations before the experiment.

    Elixyr - Truly does have a cleaner smell to it. Some people I've had smell it that don't use snus have actually said things like "You actually put that in your mouth?!?!?"
    Northerner EP - No bad smell. Sort of hard to describe but it certainly does not smell nearly as bad as Elixyr.
    Winner: Northerner EP
    Elixyr - 2.49 US per can
    Northerner EP - 3.74 US per can
    Winner: Elixyr

    Before Experiment Results:

    This is supposed to just be a fun sorta thing. Please don't take this too seriously but I will be giving as accurate information from my experience as possible over a week long basis. Take it as you will and as always your experience WILL vary
  • pangloss
    • May 2009
    • 183

    Woo hoo! an experiment! I'll be curious to see what your results are ct. I've already drawn my own conclusions which I won't post on this thread till after your results are posted :P


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      I know how the taste part goes. :wink:

      What I want to know is what you think the differences are in the effects. For me at least, it was a HUGE difference. Really want to know if that was just me, or if others think similar. So eagerly awaiting and thank you for doing this!!


      • Mamafish83
        • May 2009
        • 165

        :shock: I will be watching also...I've tried the NEP....so far my "jury" is still out...I'm literally scared to try the Elixyr...don't know why...anywho....can't wait to see what fun you find...lol


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Mamafish, I found the Elyxr way better feeling, the Northerner just made my chest tight, the Elyxr makes me feel good. Why I am so waiting to see what someone else says.


          • Mamafish83
            • May 2009
            • 165

            :? Don't wanna "effect" the outcome of the experiment....but the Northerner did NOTHING for me...nada...slightest tiny little 5 min rush but nothing a cup of coffee can't do, and no enjoyable taste....

            I felt rather cheated that the almost 4 dollar "can" was nothing more than IMHO a bunch of breath freshners....I've used maybe 2...not gonna even mess with them anymore...

            Anybody want?

            :wink: I'm more afraid of the taste than the "energy" part...I'm a bit sensitive in that department...strong flavors tend to overwhelm me.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              I don't deal well with strong at all, why I use almost all whites, other than my Thunder /Oden's thing. The Elyxr is strange, certainly not good, at least at first. But never too "strong". I can keep an Elyxr is for an joutr and a half at least every day.

              Strange beast, but one that I have been using EVERY day for more than a year now.


              • captncaveman
                • Jul 2008
                • 924

                The Elixyr has better effects but taste horrid. With the northerner product, i have never gotten the tight chest but an unsteady rapid to flat to rapid ect heart rate.

                Not sure if its the energy qualities in the Elixyr that wakes my ass up or the taste of a wookies nut sack.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  I promise you this, the longer you use, the better the taste becomes. Certainly don't notice it bad now, and *almost*, even sorta, kinda like it. I leave it in for so long now, long after i have probably gotten all the uppers out, so there has to be something there I like.

                  Yeah, tight chest, weird heartbeat, same kind of thing really for me. I just know the Northerner made me feel REALLY uncomfortable, whereas the Elyxr just makes me feel wonderful.


                  • paulwall9
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 743

                    WOW Northerner energey sounds scary lol!!!


                    • ctimb2002
                      • Apr 2009
                      • 483

                      Morning everybody. Just wanted everyone to know that I have started the "experiment" this morning. I have taken an Elixyr Energy Portion at 6:30 and my goal is to keep it in for an hour Don't kont know how it will go but well see. I can already tell i am keeping this at the very front of my mouth. I do not want any extra juice from this one. Anyways more on that as the day goes on. As soon as I have a good bead on my feelings on both for the day I will post an update. Have a great day everybody.


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by sagedil
                        I promise you this, the longer you use, the better the taste becomes. Certainly don't notice it bad now, and *almost*, even sorta, kinda like it. I leave it in for so long now, long after i have probably gotten all the uppers out, so there has to be something there I like.

                        The Elixyr is the best of the "bad" snuses imo. The flavor's strangely compelling, and while I wouldn't say it's good, I'd call it interesting. I don't really get an energy boost from it, but I imagine some might. If you get a boost from coffee, the Elixyr's worth a shot as a portable pick me up.


                        • jamesstew
                          • May 2008
                          • 1440

                          I get no boost from Elixyr either, and it tastes like poo. The Northerner one is much better IMO.


                          • ddandb
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 570

                            Either one gives me boost.
                            After going through a can of each I'll stick with the Northerner.


                            • ctimb2002
                              • Apr 2009
                              • 483

                              Ok guys...I realize I promised an update once I had tried both and I have pool tonight so I wont be around this evening. i figured I would get todays in early and look for a little later updates as the week goes along...

                              So I popped in my first Northerner EP around 1:00pm EST. My first reaction was WOW this is a really really "white" portion...i.e. dry, dust, etc... but it did gain moisture very quickly. It is a mini portion so I felt like I wanted to stuff 2 or 3 to feel "normal" but the taste is actually sorta pleasant so I shoved it to the back to get some more flavor. I will say that while there certainly was almost a minty sorta flavor there for me it was very very soft flavoring and did not taste or act like a normal snus. Anyways here is the rundown for day 1.

                              Elixyr EP:
                              Alertness Level 4/5
                              - I certainly felt a pick me up. I no longer felt like I was just dragging ass.

                              Nicotine Level 3/5
                              - I gave this one just middle of the road score. I was so concentrated on the alertness effect and the taste that I don't think I could have noticed if it was feeding me my usual intake of vitamin N

                              Overall Enjoyment Day 1 - 3.5/5

                              Northerner EP:
                              Alertness Level 2/5
                              - Felt something. Just a much minor boost than the Elixyr. Did not get bad after effects as sage has reported earlier just sorta a "i dont quit feel like laying down as much as I did" sorta feel

                              Nicotine Level 1/5
                              - Maybe it's the mini portion but good lord I think im gonna start using these AND a Thunder Frost at the same time

                              Overall Enjoyment Day 1 - 1.5/5

                              Well this raps up day one. I'm glad there was enough interest on this for people to post. We got 6 more full days of this and if it only interests me well then so be it. I will have a nice recorded log of this wonderful week of trying ENERGY SNUS.

                              Snus on till tomorrow Snussers


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