I just had my second Elixyr of the day. Picked me up for sure. had enough of the taste after 30 mins.
Elixyr Energy Portion V.S. Northerner Energy Portion
I do have to admit I've tried them both, and taste wise I was more inclined to like the northerner (even though I had to use two at a time to get any sort of pick me up), but the elixyr I ordered way back when I first gave snus a shot so it's all old and way past it's expiration. Either way the taste of the elixyr turned me off until I recently just threw one in on a groggy morning to wake me up a little and I must say it worked like a charm. Funny story about the northerner energy though, I basically made my girlfriend try two of them at once because she has no tolerance to nicotine or caffeine really. After about 5 minutes with them in I could tell they hit her hard, she was wired and actually referred to some of her past experiences on coke. So I must say they both work, it just depends on the level of tolerance the user has built up vitamin N or caffeine.
I'm glad you gave the Elyxr a second try. I promise, the taste thing just gets easier and easier the more you use it.
All I have tried to do this last year is get folks to look past the taste issues, and gauge if it is effective for them. Glad more and more folks are comng to leaarn it s. just makes me a bit less of a freak. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sorry for the late update guys...this is going to be a tough weekend to keep this going but im gonna trySo today was Northerner First and Elixyr second. I must admit I went ahead and tried 2 Northerners to equal 1 Elixyr. I still think the kick was very subdued. It might take up to 3 or 4 northerners to get the same kick as an Elyxir BUT!!!! there is a huge warning. While taking one Northerner EP I did not get any of the effects that sage mentioned earlier...2 did seem to start to show those kind of symptoms. I can't exactly explain it but I certainly did not feel "right." So I don't believe for the rest of the experiment I will be increasing the dosage in the Northerner EP at all. I will continue with 2 unless the symptom gets worse at which point I will abandon it all together and call Elyxir the clear victor because without increasing the "kick" or Northerner EP there is no point IMHO. So here are the scores for today...
Elyxir - A carbon copy of yesterday. An overal score of 3.5 / 5 (taste is still horrible but the kick certinaly seems to offset any negativity in that arena.
Northerner - I am going to bump there overall score to a 2.5 / 5 (increasing dosage did seem to increase the effect but I am going to watch out and see if anything further negative occurs
We will see when the update happens tomorrow. So far I can't predict when because we may play either 2 or 3 games tomorrow and it all depends on when that occurs. So until then...
Keep on snussing!
Again, thank you. I am desperately happy to get some fresh perspective on this. And despite the sexual favors I offered, I think folks have already figured out that you are about as straight up and earnest as they come.
Interesting to read someone else's experience with Northerner especially. I tried it exactly once, and I just knew it was bad for me. Never knew for sure if that was just a bad day, but the effects were so specific and disturbing, I just couldn't continue to experiment on myself.
Day 3 update...
I was forced to wake up at 545 this morning after falling asleep at 2 oclock this morning. This pool tournament gets me on a WEIRD sleep schedule. So our first match was at 8 oclock. This was my caffine intake this morning... 2 doughnuts, 24 oz coke, 8 oz coffee, 1 elyxir portion, and 3 or 4 peanut butter cookiesLets just say I felt like the road runner. I was bright eye and bushy tailed until about 3:00 this afternoon when we all got back to our apartment and started to hang out. Everyone is asleep and I started to nod off so It was time for my 2 portion of Northerner EP. To be Faithful to the experiment I tried to consume as much cafine as I did in the morning so I had 2 more doughnuts a half liter of coke and the Northerner EP. No funny side effects today. Oh I have a HUGE update in the taste department check out the updated score below...
Elyxir EP:
Alertness level 4/5 - Awesome job this morning getting me up...of course all the caffine I took didn't hurt either
Taste score (this is the big update) I am bumping this up to a solid 3/5 I am finding the more and more I use this the less and less the taste is getting to me. It certainly still is not "enjoyable" like a Thunder Frost or Claq Qui but the immediate "gag" reflex is no longer present and I don't feel repulsed tasting it either
Overall score a solid 4 / 5
Northerner EP:
I am sticking with an overal score today because I believe because of the taste update with Elyxir my opinion might be swayed a bit here.
Overall score a solid 2.5 / 5 A solid 3.5/5 for taste and still a 1.5 / 5 for total effect.
Just still not as enjoyable as Elyxir and no big change with "liking" it more or less as the days go by. it just kind of stays the same. You get what your going to get and that's it. Elyxir keeps surprising me.
I am calling the race!!!!!!
It is 4 days into the "experiment" and I am officially calling it. I have slowly over the past couple of days been leaning more and more to liking the Elyxir but today finally did it for me. I did my usual double dose of Northerner EP. After about 15 min of it in I threw up all over the place. Granted I only really felt bad once before but it was NOTHING like this at all. I felt sick to my stomach, my head got dizzy, and I felt like crap. Removed the snus and an hour later I was feeling "normal." So anyways this is a just a cap on my all around feelings. Take it or leave it but I gave it 4 days...I tried to stick through with 7 and I just couldn't.
Elyxir is the hands down winner. I DO NOT RECOMMEND double dosing Northerner EP for ANY REASON! Single Dosage of Northerner did not get me sick but It certainly did nothing for me either. Also keep in mind that I am a 280lbs 6'4'' guy who can chug coke like nothing. The Elyxir does the job. Stick with it for a few days and the taste gets "better" Nothing your ever going to truly enjoy. You can now see the progression from about a weeks worth of work in trying these out. I hope you enjoyed reading this and take to heart what I have said. If your a smaller person the Northerner MAY work for you but watch out.
Thanks everybody for reading and encouraging. Sorry I can't keep up with this but getting sick is just not cool. Snus and Love for everybody
And yes this means sage just got another person to "swing on his nuts" about Elyxir energy.
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