Anyone ever got a bad can?

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  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Originally posted by think
    I received my order a few days ago and have only opened 3 of the 10 cans that I ordered, but all three smelled of ammonia.
    Snus always has a strange smell. Even a real fresh can of Nick & Johnny has a strong ammomia-like smell. This, most likely, is due to the licorice-content.

    Don't throw everything away, till you're sure, it is really gone bad.

    From my experience, snus can virtually not go bad. The worst thing is, that it dries out. But, since Mississippi is a lot hotter, than Germany, I don't think, I can give a real advice in this case.



    • think
      • Aug 2007
      • 21

      All of the cans I received have a sell by date of mid October to late November, so I would say no, phish. I will keep my other cans around as you suggest chain, and I hope you're right about them just having that smell while they are fresh. I can't even smell the ammonia at all when I have them in the fridge. If I let them sit out for a while, they get stronger and stronger. I was on a flight all day yesterday and when I got off of the plane, I smelled the Lucky Strike before grabbing a pouch and the ammonia smell was extremely pungent. After I let it sit in the fridge over night, the smell is almost non-existent: I have to practically want to smell the ammonia to be able to. Fortunately, I threw the can into an empty garbage bin, so I pulled it out and stuck it back in the fridge here at work.

      One question though: My cans of Nick and Johnny and General are very dark brown, almost black; is this the expected color, or are they too dark?


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        Yes, General and N&J have very dark tobacco, compared to e.g., Ettan.

        Don't worry too much. When my first snus-order arrived, I also was quite shocked about the smell, even before I opened the package. It's absolutely normal. As long as the taste is fine, you don't have to worry at all.



        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          I can't even smell the ammonia at all when I have them in the fridge. If I let them sit out for a while, they get stronger and stronger.
          Yeah, this is just because the "smell" is some combination of chemicals which will evaporate much more slowly when cold than when warm. Anything that smells of anything will always smell less if you cool it down.


          • mwood72

            N&J does have a strong smell of amonia about it but it tastes good under the lip and gives a good Nic kick


            • Craig de Tering
              • Nov 2006
              • 525

              I'll just add my voice and say that for the uninitiated -indeed- snus has some smell of ammonia.
              THIS IS NORMAL. You'll get used to it in no time.

              In another news, sales of surströmming have taken a flight in the states. News at eleven.


              • Stargazer
                • Aug 2007
                • 225



                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  :lol: You know you're not allowed to put surströmming in your luggage on airplanes, even in checked baggage, because the can is under pressure and is considered an explosion hazard! :shock:


                  • mwood72

                    Now that must smell if it should be opened outdoors


                    • D.
                      New Member
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 6

                      I've gotten two cans of ettan portion wherein most of the pouches looked like they had been sliced open. :?


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