Now I'm on a Grov los kick

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  • ddandb
    • Mar 2009
    • 570

    Now I'm on a Grov los kick

    Grov morning, noon, and night.
    The other week I couldn't get enough of Etten.
    Next week.... who knows.
  • Lucky Striker
    • May 2009
    • 280

    I'm also going back in forth between the Ettan and Grov lös'. I have to say, the Grov wins (yet again). Ettan lös is fine, but then if you follow it with Grov, it seems positively bland and tasteless compared to it's "rougher" cousin.


    • Maxpower05080
      • Mar 2009
      • 185

      You're just like me. I obsess with one brand for a week or so, then switch to another the next.

      I think it is snus bipolar disorder.


      • CM
        • Apr 2009
        • 329

        Grov, Röda&skruf lös are longtime favourites here!


        • whalen
          • May 2009
          • 6593

          All los, I am on a Grov kick this week, though I am grooving on some Skruf now, having some good moments with Montecristo, although a little is enough, then off to Prima Fint, a little Ettan mudfest, then relax with some Roda. Gottland Gul starts looking good, then off to portions. Gotta have that Odens reg Kanal with coffee, and I would not venture out without a pocket of Grov Svart, I now have a stash that is making me question my sanity, all because I had to quit smoking. Two rolls of Lucky's on the way, with some Retro, Thinking about stocking up on Odens, but holding off order hoping for frosted minis, this condition needs a name, snusaholic? Just preaching to the choir!
          wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


          • yummi4tunekookie
            • Feb 2008
            • 277

            AAAAAARGH! You people make me want to try my hand at loose again, and that was a DISASTER! Stop it! Shut up! :evil: :x :evil: :x :evil:


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              I dig Grov myself. I was unsure whether I preferred Grov or Ettan, but after getting both in a recent trade, the Grov went much quicker. It's my favorite SM blend.


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
                AAAAAARGH! You people make me want to try my hand at loose again, and that was a DISASTER! Stop it! Shut up! :evil: :x :evil: :x :evil:
                do it!!!! :twisted:


                • Qor
                  • May 2009
                  • 197

                  Woot, and to think when I get home tonight I will have a fresh can of Grov los to try out with a new Icetool!



                  • HK11
                    • May 2009
                    • 631

                    Thats the only LOS I have. I like it. Ive got about 4 cans of various LOS coming tomorrow including the infamous Phantom blue.


                    • bakerbarber
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 1947

                      Grov is spectacular. I love the grind.

                      The can of General Loose I got at Diebles in KC at the plaza tastes very very good. It seems finer cut and stickier than the cans I get from Sweden.


                      • rscott222
                        • May 2009
                        • 346

                        I am becoming a big fan of Grov Svart. I tried it mid day with little effect but today I tried it first thing since I've read many posts about people snusing the strong stuff in the morning and I could really feel the kick. I am also enjoying snus out of the fridge, you don't get hit w/ a lot of drip right off the bat.


                        • heppycat
                          • May 2009
                          • 220

                          I just tried Grov Los last night. My first impression puts it second to Skruf. It has a great consistency and doesnt have any overbearing flavors.


                          • dave1
                            • May 2009
                            • 74

                            I also have tried the grov and love it. Holds together really well to be a coarse grind IMO.


                            • Soft Morning, City!
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 772

                              Grov is classic. I went through many months trying to figure out if I preferred Ettan or Grov. Ettan eventually won, but I still use quite a bit of Grov too. I love the grind and I've never gotten burnt out on the flavor. Both are brands that I can use all day every day and never get bored.

                              If Ettan was available in the same grind as Grov, I might be able to give up Grov. But as it stands, I've gotta have both.


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