New Snus user looking for some insight...

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  • speedgraphic
    New Member
    • Aug 2007
    • 1

    New Snus user looking for some insight...

    I just tried my first bit of snus tonight. While my "mix" is enroute from BuySnus, I bought a tin of General Original and White Portion.

    So, under the upper lip it goes. After a few minutes, I feel the nicotine rush. Nice. After about 10 minutes, though, an explosion of salt occurs in my mouth. I initially thought my gums were bleeding but I guess it was just the salt. It got to be a bit too much, so I took it out.

    About 20 minutes later, I tried another. Bad idea, as I'm pretty vulnerable to nicotine, and it made me sick to my stomach!

    About five hours later, I tried yet another. The nicotine was great this time, but the salt is disconcerting as I keep thinking my gums are bleeding (they weren't, by visual inspection).

    So: Is this intense salt flavor supposed to happen? Is the portion supposed to be left undisturbed in the upper lip... perhaps I squeezed it against my lip too hard? Will the original portions prove to be a different experience?
  • Gurn Blandston
    • Jul 2007
    • 51

    There is salt in snus but I don't think it is all that much. I only use loose and find the saltiness strongest at the beginning. I also find it pleasant and not too strong. From what I gather about portions, everything is amped up, nicotine, flavor, etc. to get through the teabag. Perhaps you would find loose a little mellower both in saltiness and nic.



    • moisty
      • Jun 2006
      • 38

      Salty things can taste "extra salty" if you are a little dehydrated!


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        ^ excellent point. I've never made that link explicitly but it makes a lot of sense - nice one 8)


        • Subtilo
          • Dec 2006
          • 524

          It's funny, I've never really thought about the saltiness. Guess I can thank my Scandinavian upbringing and all it's salty food and candy for that ...

          Anyway - speedgraphic - I wouldn't worry too much about it. Like in the case of 'burning sensation', your gums will soon get used to the salt. Chances are you won't notice it at all in a couple of weeks.

          Good snusing! :wink:


          • SkYYDoGG
            • Aug 2007
            • 23

            Originally posted by moisty
            Salty things can taste "extra salty" if you are a little dehydrated!
            Could just be me, but I find that whole line just too funny, coming from moisty in particular.
            Although I agree with it. Its just the wording.

            A newer snuser myself, I had the same experience with General Onyx at first.
            Not sure if I am just use to it now or what, but I like the salt flavor, and Onyx is a daily favorite for me.
            As I went through my "Mix" of my first 10 tins, I found that not all were as salty, and some not salty at all.
            Also I find that I now like brands/flavors that I did not the first time I tried them.

            I would not get discouraged over your experience with the salt taste.
            I still have the same experience, although not nearly as severe as you describe, if I chainsnus 4 or 5 portions of Onyx.
            To me, one of the best things about snus is the variety.
            Before work if fill up an empty tin with a variety of 3 or 4 different brands/flavors. (but I guess that would or is better said in another thread)

            After your "Mix" arrives, I am sure I will be reading some thread by you about some brand/flavor you just love.
            Enjoying a nice cup of coffee and a cigarette, WHAT? a WHAT? WHY? WHERE AM I?


            • qrashandburn
              New Member
              • Aug 2007
              • 4

              The first time I tried snus I found the saltiness a bit cloying myself; I think the first was Kronan portions. It reminded me a lot of this hard, salty black licorice a childhood friend brought back for me from the Netherlands. I don't notice the saltiness at all anymore though.


              • mwood72

                Swedish Snus has always had a salty taste to me but that's always been good for me as I like salty/savoury foods. If you prefer sweet tastes I would recommend Goteborgs Rape No2 (Lingonberry). Knox portions might also be worth a go too as they are like a sweeter kind of General. Possibly Skruf Originals too.


                • RealmofOpeth
                  • May 2007
                  • 407

                  FLAVOR or FEELING?

                  If it's the flavor, yes there's some saltiness going on...but I never really had a problem with it. The burning feeling when first using snus is what I had a problem with.
                  It seems you're referring to both, flavor causing the feeling which doesn't really make sense to me.
                  The feeling I believe is from using portions. It happens with loose but portions is where it really burns like mad.
                  Anyways, it just takes getting used to. Like shooting a might get a real sore shoulder but after a while it will toughen up and you won't notice it anymore.
                  It took me about 2 weeks to get over it. My gums were not happy campers.

                  Now that I've been without snus for over a month...I'm going to have to go through that again probably. Would be nice if this ****ing heat would leave for good so I can order some more. sick of smoking! I'd rather have burnin gums than stuffed sinuses.


                  • theoldsearock
                    • Jun 2007
                    • 77

                    Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
                    FLAVOR or FEELING?

                    If it's the flavor, yes there's some saltiness going on...but I never really had a problem with it. The burning feeling when first using snus is what I had a problem with.

                    It took me about 2 weeks to get over it. My gums were not happy campers.
                    BINGO, Opeth... Flavor or Feeling. That's a wonderful way to put it.

                    I used to dip Copenhagen Fine Cut. Snus has a saltier taste than Cope but more importantly, there is that burn (feeling) that occurs for the first couple of weeks with snus.

                    So depending on what your point of reference is, there is a salty taste but that "feeling" of burn... it tends to double the saltiness aspect of the pris while not really being as salty a flavor as one might believe.

                    Did that make sense? :?


                    • Stargazer
                      • Aug 2007
                      • 225

                      I find general to be very salty.
                      A reasion why I snus grov snus instead.

                      general is good, but I get tired of the taste quickly.


                      • Craig de Tering
                        • Nov 2006
                        • 525

                        Man now I'm really curious to the Grov. Why the fsck haven't I ever ordered some before? *bangs head*


                        • Stargazer
                          • Aug 2007
                          • 225

                          it's just like it says on the tin, pure tobaco flavour.
                          I love it, and it's rough texture.


                          • Zero
                            • May 2006
                            • 1522

                            Grov is fantastic snus. I would describe it as... stoic. Well worth trying if you haven't


                            • Subtilo
                              • Dec 2006
                              • 524

                              Originally posted by Zero
                              Grov is fantastic snus. I would describe it as... stoic. Well worth trying if you haven't
                              Excellent choice of word. I fully agree.

                              Still not one of my regulars though ...


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