General Mini Mint vs. Catch Peppermint

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  • rscott222
    • May 2009
    • 346

    General Mini Mint vs. Catch Peppermint

    For our beginning fight:

    General Mini Mint vs. Catch Peppermint, and remember keep it above the belt.

    Round 1

    General Mini Mint = Strong altoids peppermint flavor followed by slight peppery General taste. Nicotine Mild, often need to double to maintain nic level. Here to stay.

    Catch Peppermint = More subtle peppermint taste that doesn't overwhelm with a saltier aftertaste. Better nicotine maintenance with only one piece. Could be gone like a fart in the wind.
  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    i recently did a review of catch peppermint and drew comparisons as well.

    here's my thoughts:
    It's here! Catch Collection Fresh//Peppermint. The 2nd in a line of 4 products by Swedish Match for 2009! The first release was Catch Collection Chill//Mint Vanilla, which I already reviews. Currently on the line is Catch Collection Fresh//Peppermint, which I will be reviewing today. On the horizon, Catch Collection Still//Violent/Licorice and then the Christmas line will have Catch Collection Cozy//Cardamom/Cinnamon.

    Now, this can be confusing. I'm going to break this down. General Mini Mint was once called CatchDry Peppermint. It was in a 6g portion. That was later changed to General Dry Mini Mint (also a 6g portion), and geared specifically towards a US crowd. Now comes The 2nd in the Catch Collection line, Catch Collection Fresh//Peppermint, which is available in a 10g portion. I thought originally that these would be similiar, but they are quite different in many ways. I have several pictures below to show you the differences, along with the three different product cans.

    As I wrote before, General Mini Mint is the "Camel Frost Killer". Mini Mint was made specifically for the US market. It has a mint flavor, and a subtle tobacco flavor, as well - which Camel Frost does not. I do love General Mini Mint, but it doesn't have the full Swedish Flavor. Most Swedish Snus products have a slightly salty taste (ok...some have a very salty taste) which brings out the flavor of the snus. General Mini Mint does not have this. It is a great snus, but many people don't like the sweetness of it and long for a more authentic Swedish Snus with a mint flavor. Enter Catch Collection Fresh//Peppermint. This snus is stronger, and the mint flavor isn't as overpowering as the General Mini Mint. There is also a slight salt taste, which brings out the "fresh" flavor of the Mint in the snus. It has a great taste.

    Also, the portion. Is thicker than General Mini Mint, and also looks a little fresher. The portion is soft, and very comfortable. Upon opening the cans, the Catch product has a great mint smell mixed with a hint of that Swedish Snus smell we've come to know and love. General Mini Mint is lacking in this area, it just has a minty smell. Overall, this is a great snus. I find myself saying the same thing I said about Catch Collection Chill//Mint Vanilla, I wish this one would stay around, but alas, it is a limited edition item. Those of you looking for a more "Swedish" mint snus, look no further, as I believe this will fit the bill. IF you like minis. I find myself pleased with this one, and although I still believe General Mini Mint is the best transitional snus from Camel Frost to Swedish Snus, this is an excellent one to try immediately after that, as it would begin to bridge the gap between Mini Mint and more Swedish Flavored Snus.


    • Snusages
      • May 2009
      • 32

      Hmmm...interesting. I'm gonna have to get some in my next order. I love the Mint Minis and I wanted something with a little more salt. These sound perfect and are still from Swedish Match. Can't wait.


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947

        I know you guys are talking about the limited edition catch.

        I had to chime in with an FYI.

        General mini mint was Catch Dry peppermint and was rebranded. What follows is a quote from Swedish Match's website.

        ....................................................... .....................................................

        General Mini Mint 6grWhite Portion

        Snus with refreshing taste of icy peppermint

        Catch Dryโ„ข Peppermint has been re-branded as Generalยฎ Dry Mini Mint Portions. The product is identical in flavor, size and moisture content โ€“ the only change is in the brand name and packaging design.


        • chadizzy1
          • May 2009
          • 7432

          but the new catch fresh peppermint is a 10g portion, it's more strong and the salt content is higher. here's a pic from my blog of the review/transition of these products.


          • Roo
            • Jun 2008
            • 3446

            What's grosser than gross? Just kidding, carry on. Wait, I guess I'll answer that: when you sit on grandpa's lap and he gets hard. What's grosser than that? When you do too...
            Edited for compulsive spell-checking


            • rscott222
              • May 2009
              • 346

              Thanks for sharing you childhood with us........

              There is definetly a difference in taste between the two but I have ti admit I like the Catch better as it tastes more traditional snus where as General Mini Mint seems to be trying to cover up the snus taste.


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                that's the one thing i noticed too, about the catch. it tastes much more swedish.

                i think general mini mint is better to suggest to snoob's, because of it's comparison to camel frost, which most people are coming over from, but i definately thing catch peppermint should be on first orders until it's discontinued.


                • rscott222
                  • May 2009
                  • 346

                  I hope they offer a bundle at the end of the year with all of them at a discount.


                  • Roo
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 3446

                    Sorry rscott222, didn't mean to invade your post with such juvienial silliness. Seriously, my bad. The title of this thread brought two words to mind, gross and gross, and one thing lead to another... I haven't even tried these. They don't sound like my bag but people really seem to like them, especially transitioning from Camel. Do you know if the General mini mint variety is available from US General vendors? My girlfriend might need some when she gives another go at kicking cigs. She's only been able to tolerate minis and this sounds like a good one for her. Anyway... Snuson buddy. Shut up, Roo.


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      General Mini Mint is marketed specifically for a US market. if you order it from Northerner, it ships from their US warehouse. i've had it here in a few days before. i haven't seen it locally (in Arkansas) but i have heard that shops that sell General have it in stock.


                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        Cool thanks Chad. I'll go look at my local shop today. My girlfriend has struggled to quit smoking and she says she can't stand snus, but that will change when she's going stark-raving mad from withdrawels. Last time she had a bit of decent experience with Catch mini Cassis, which I don't think they make anymore (if anyone wants to trade, I still have 2 cans in the freezer)

                        Have you heard of the Camel Orbs that are being test-marketed in Portland and somewhere else (Austin maybe)? The ones that really have people up in arms even more than Camel snus about marketing to children? Well, I got her a pack last time we were down there, and I tried one... believe me they are not candy, and kids would totally opt to chew, smoke, or snus WAY before putting this in their mouth a second time. It's just like a vaguely minty Nicorette lozenge. Not at all practical as a nic alternative, unless maybe you are trying to quit smoking and refuse to try snus, which is to say it's basically an over-the-counter nic replacement therapy, and it's appropriately disgusting as such.


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          it's been a while, but i didn't like the camel orbs, or the sticks, whatever those were called.


                          • yummi4tunekookie
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 277

                            Yep, just tried the General Mini Mint today, and it's MUCH too sweet for my tastes, surprisingly. I actually don't see much difference between this and the Camel Frost in that they're both sickly, artificially sweet. Very disappointing. I'll finish this tin, but I definitely prefer the Mocca Mint Miniportions to the General. I'm looking forward to trying the Catch, though. Perhaps that will be the next tin I open, but I think I want to take a break from all the mint (General and Mocca) as well as fruit (RL).


                            • HK11
                              • May 2009
                              • 631

                              Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
                              Yep, just tried the General Mini Mint today, and it's MUCH too sweet for my tastes, surprisingly. I actually don't see much difference between this and the Camel Frost in that they're both sickly, artificially sweet. Very disappointing. I'll finish this tin, but I definitely prefer the Mocca Mint Miniportions to the General. I'm looking forward to trying the Catch, though. Perhaps that will be the next tin I open, but I think I want to take a break from all the mint (General and Mocca) as well as fruit (RL).
                              I got 2 cans of it and I pretty much agree. Im hanging on to it thought because it is handy for certain situations.


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