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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432


    so friday morning was my big custody hearing.

    you can imagine, thursday night i was a mess. i was snusin' thunder frosted and various other ES all day. i was STRESSIN. anyways, nothing was working. my stress wasnt subsiding.

    i went to the local store and reached for ol' faithful, my former crutch, cigarettes. i went home, had one. ....nothing. still stressed. had another one. ....nothing. okay, maybe i'm just stressed.

    friday came, and i won custody of my daughter. couldnt have been more excited. so stress goes away, and in comes saturday. last night, i'm sitting at the house and i'm watching boondock saints and i get a CRAZY urge to smoke. so i reach into the box and take a cigarette out and go outside and light up. nothing. i'm serious, i got nothing out of it. i quickly snubbed it out, went back inside and got my snus on, and was relieved when i was hit with a great buzz.

    cigarettes - wtf? i'm sorry to say but you no longer have any influence on me other than just something in my past. wow. i never would have thought, i don't get anything out of smoking anymore. it's kinda odd to me i guess, because i smoked so long, and haven't snused near as long as i've smoked. but now the only thing that does it for me is snus. hoorah!
  • covetousjew
    • May 2009
    • 375

    awesome i am glad to hear that every thing worked out for ya i also am finding that snus is a better hit than the pack of luckys that is still in the fridge. beer and snus is proof that God dose love us and wants us to be happy!


    • sth
      • Jan 2009
      • 118

      Congrats on getting custody.

      That's kinda how I am with cigarettes now, It's really unfulfilling to me me now. It's a good thing though


      • yummi4tunekookie
        • Feb 2008
        • 277

        Yaaay, congratulations on getting custody! How old is your daughter? I'm happy for you. And I think I know what you mean about the cigarette thing. I finished my pack yesterday (no cigarette this morning!!!), but bummed one during work today; it really wasn't that great. It's mostly the habit that I guess is hard to let go of--the snus takes care of the nicotine, though!


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Congrats on the custody!!

          I went the other way with the smoking. I picked up some Prince Albert today, and rolled a cigarette. It was pretty damned delicious, and since it's "pipe tobacco" the government can bite me :^D

          It's a little heavy on the palate, but for my once a week cig, I like it better than Bugler. I prefer American Spirit, but I really like the cut of the tinned tobacco. The pouches are coarser, so it isn't worth the trip for me. As little as I smoke, I'm afraid the tins won't keep well enough long term.


          • jamesstew
            • May 2008
            • 1440

            Congratulations on getting custody and on not smoking. lxskllr, try the Prince Albert in a pipe.


            • rscott222
              • May 2009
              • 346

              Congrats Chad!

              I found the same thing with Cigs also after I began Snusing. I don't get the big high anymore probably partially from the basal level of nicotine in your system.

              Good luck with the home life. Try not to scare the boys too bad when they start coming around.


              • yummi4tunekookie
                • Feb 2008
                • 277

                I just realized...Prince Albert...Ouch :shock:

                (Not what you guys meant, but I'm terrible. And bored.)


                • Snusages
                  • May 2009
                  • 32

                  I started smoking sparingly before I came upon snus. It never really did much for me. I didn't get it. I couldn't understand how anybody could be relieved my them. Plus, the taste was just horrid sometimes when I wasn't prepared. After I started using Camel, I began to feel something...something VERY nice. I had one cigarette left in my pack (after not smoking for 2 weeks) and had an urge to smoke. It was then even worse than before. I felt nothing whatsoever. It actually became boring and I tossed the cig about halfway. So I completely understand your situation.

                  Cigarettes just...suck.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by jamesstew
                    Congratulations on getting custody and on not smoking. lxskllr, try the Prince Albert in a pipe.
                    I've been talking about getting into pipes again for awhile now. I need to either dig up my old pipes, or pick up a cob pipe. There's a bunch of foreign tobaccos that look very tasty, and I should buy them while I can still get them shipped to me.


                    • jamesstew
                      • May 2008
                      • 1440

                      Originally posted by lxskllr
                      Originally posted by jamesstew
                      Congratulations on getting custody and on not smoking. lxskllr, try the Prince Albert in a pipe.
                      I've been talking about getting into pipes again for awhile now. I need to either dig up my old pipes, or pick up a cob pipe. There's a bunch of foreign tobaccos that look very tasty, and I should buy them while I can still get them shipped to me.
                      I recently got back into pipes myself but unfortunately I'd sold my old briars. Corncobs do smoke nice but it can make you feel like a bit of a redneck.


                      • zmanzero
                        • May 2009
                        • 766

                        congrats on the custody chad, and thanks for the insight on the cig fail. i'm still new to quitting cigs, it's interesting to hear how they are not once what they were to you.

                        you hang in there when you quit girl, my toughest time was the morning of my third day quitting. real tough. just remember that after you are over the first day if you go back to smoking then you have to go through all the shit over again. that 3'rd day was such a bitch that i can't smoke one now or i'll have to go through it all over again. that's the head game i play with myself.


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
                          Yaaay, congratulations on getting custody! How old is your daughter? I'm happy for you. And I think I know what you mean about the cigarette thing. I finished my pack yesterday (no cigarette this morning!!!), but bummed one during work today; it really wasn't that great. It's mostly the habit that I guess is hard to let go of--the snus takes care of the nicotine, though!
                          i have a 2 year old. she was the reason i quit smoking. the judge is very anti smoking, and i just didn't want her to be around it, so i quit for her. but i'm glad snus was there for me.


                          • yummi4tunekookie
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 277

                            Originally posted by chadizzy1
                            Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
                            Yaaay, congratulations on getting custody! How old is your daughter? I'm happy for you. And I think I know what you mean about the cigarette thing. I finished my pack yesterday (no cigarette this morning!!!), but bummed one during work today; it really wasn't that great. It's mostly the habit that I guess is hard to let go of--the snus takes care of the nicotine, though!
                            i have a 2 year old. she was the reason i quit smoking. the judge is very anti smoking, and i just didn't want her to be around it, so i quit for her. but i'm glad snus was there for me.
                            Ahhhh, 2! She must be so cute--unless she's going through that "terrible" phase where she refuses to cooperate and realizes that she can get just about anything if she throws a large enough tantrum. Nah, kids are great. They grow up soooo quickly, though, so enjoy her baby-toddler years while you have time!

                            And thanks, ZMan! I'll definitely keep that in mind. Tomorrow will be especially tough as I'll be on campus all day. Boredom + old habit = WANT. CIG. NOW. :evil:


                            • chadizzy1
                              • May 2009
                              • 7432

                              the only thing that i want about cigs is the damn habit. i get more nic from snus than i do from cigs, it's just when i see someone doing it, or see it in a movie, i'm like "i want something in my hand that produces smoke!" even though i don't actually"smoke".


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