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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Originally posted by chadizzy1
    the only thing that i want about cigs is the damn habit. i get more nic from snus than i do from cigs, it's just when i see someone doing it, or see it in a movie, i'm like "i want something in my hand that produces smoke!" even though i don't actually"smoke".
    Here you go ;^)


    • jamesstew
      • May 2008
      • 1440

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      Originally posted by chadizzy1
      the only thing that i want about cigs is the damn habit. i get more nic from snus than i do from cigs, it's just when i see someone doing it, or see it in a movie, i'm like "i want something in my hand that produces smoke!" even though i don't actually"smoke".
      Here you go ;^)


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        Originally posted by chadizzy1
        the only thing that i want about cigs is the damn habit. i get more nic from snus than i do from cigs, it's just when i see someone doing it, or see it in a movie, i'm like "i want something in my hand that produces smoke!" even though i don't actually"smoke".
        Wait till this feeling passes, which may take up to a year from my experience, just smoke a cigarette if you badly need to, snus will win you over anyway in the long run.

        Like Tropical Bob maybe also would say, you should try other smokeless alternatives too, nasal snuff, chewing tobacco, resolveable pellets, simply everything that is available and is appealing to you. When I was a cigarette-smoker, I also had to smoke cigars from time to time just as an alternation. It's the same with snus and there's a huge world to explore regarding different types of smokeless tobacco, none of them stronger than snus, but some of them with a kind of nicotine-delivery that is helpful for ex-smokers.

        Tropical Bob can say much more about the habit part which never was an issue for me (I always smoked for the nicotine and never attached great importance to the accompanying habit). In fact the first cigarette that I smoked after I had switched to snus for about 4 weeks showed me that I with no doubt would get over them for good sooner or later, and it really happened.

        It takes a little will power to switch to snus, but not much. If it required much will power to switch from smoking to snus, than I'd still be a smoker. Just snus on!



        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          It took ZERO will power for me. I was really not trying to quit smoking. It just happened, I quickly came to prefer the nicotine delivery and consistency of snus over smoking.

          I still have the occasional cigarette every few weeks. Usually because I am hanging with a smoker at the moment and like the social aspect of sharing a smoke break. But it isn't as if that cigarette suddenly makes me want another. I just go back to my happy snus


          • yummi4tunekookie
            • Feb 2008
            • 277

            Originally posted by chadizzy1
            the only thing that i want about cigs is the damn habit. i get more nic from snus than i do from cigs, it's just when i see someone doing it, or see it in a movie, i'm like "i want something in my hand that produces smoke!" even though i don't actually"smoke".
            Yep, today was my first day without a pack of cigarettes handy. I actually ended up bumming a couple ops:

            It's not only the hand-to-mouth habit, but the deep inhalation of smoke that I find satisfying. I tried taking slow, deep breaths this morning, and it helped, but once I got on campus (and got bored) and saw all the smokers outside... :cry: ops:

            I ****ing fail.

            I'm really considering the e-cigarette thing that Tropical Bob mentioned in addition to the snus and nasal snuff (which needs to get here QUICK, haha). I'd like a nice, high quality one that isn't too pricy, though, and that's a problem.

            Damn money. I'd still be saving so much more, not buying 5 packs of cigs a week!


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Forget about the ecigs. The writing's on the wall that they're going to be banned. It would be a PITA to try to buy supplies.


              • yummi4tunekookie
                • Feb 2008
                • 277

                Originally posted by lxskllr
                Forget about the ecigs. The writing's on the wall that they're going to be banned. It would be a PITA to try to buy supplies.
                Whaaaaat?! Really? Why in the world--?! :? :?: :shock: :x


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
                  Originally posted by lxskllr
                  Forget about the ecigs. The writing's on the wall that they're going to be banned. It would be a PITA to try to buy supplies.
                  Whaaaaat?! Really? Why in the world--?! :? :?: :shock: :x
                  The ecigs are pharmaceutical nicotine delivery devices, that don't have any of the controls placed on the pharmaceutical industry. My personal viewpoint is that I don't trust Chinese manufacturers enough to eat the food, much less inhale mist.


                  • yummi4tunekookie
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 277

                    Originally posted by lxskllr
                    Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
                    Originally posted by lxskllr
                    Forget about the ecigs. The writing's on the wall that they're going to be banned. It would be a PITA to try to buy supplies.
                    Whaaaaat?! Really? Why in the world--?! :? :?: :shock: :x
                    The ecigs are pharmaceutical nicotine delivery devices, that don't have any of the controls placed on the pharmaceutical industry. My personal viewpoint is that I don't trust Chinese manufacturers enough to eat the food, much less inhale mist.
                    This is true...*shakes fist at self* Damn you, blasted Chinee!

                    Well, that just stinks. Tropical Bob and everything else I've read on it makes 'em sound PERFECTAWESOMEWOW. But I guess I should wait until after the FDA (maybe) approves some brands.

                    'Tis cool, though. I'm just excited about my snuff arriving and have so much snus to go through! I've got the tools for nicotine bliss...I just have to get over my whole cigarette fetish. FETISH.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
                      This is true...*shakes fist at self* Damn you, blasted Chinee!

                      Well, that just stinks. Tropical Bob and everything else I've read on it makes 'em sound PERFECTAWESOMEWOW. But I guess I should wait until after the FDA (maybe) approves some brands.

                      'Tis cool, though. I'm just excited about my snuff arriving and have so much snus to go through! I've got the tools for nicotine bliss...I just have to get over my whole cigarette fetish. FETISH.
                      I'm sure they're alright. They seem quirky, and finicky though. Not like the good old reliable cigarette that works every time. I think snuff may help you a bit with the cigarette thing. It gives you something to do with your hands, and is ritualistic like cigarettes are.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Yummi. Just don't overstress the cigarette thing. If that is what you want at the moment, it is what you want. Just let the snus gently take you away from them. honestly, my changeover was about 2 months.


                        • yummi4tunekookie
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 277

                          Originally posted by sagedil
                          Yummi. Just don't overstress the cigarette thing. If that is what you want at the moment, it is what you want. Just let the snus gently take you away from them. honestly, my changeover was about 2 months.
                          This is definitely heartening. Thanks. I should just chill more, instead of stressing on quitting so much! :P

                          Anyways, gotta go re-watch the Matrix trilogy for like the 5th time :shock:


                          • jamesstew
                            • May 2008
                            • 1440

                            Originally posted by yummi4tunekookie
                            Originally posted by sagedil
                            Yummi. Just don't overstress the cigarette thing. If that is what you want at the moment, it is what you want. Just let the snus gently take you away from them. honestly, my changeover was about 2 months.
                            This is definitely heartening. Thanks. I should just chill more, instead of stressing on quitting so much! :P

                            Anyways, gotta go re-watch the Matrix trilogy for like the 5th time :shock:
                            Or you could do what I did and just stop buying them. Smoke other people's every once in a while and maybe buy the occasional 'F@*k-it I'm drunk' pack until you don't want one anymore.


                            • Kvlt
                              • Apr 2009
                              • 197

                              I've tried an e-cig, it was horrible. Take my advice.


                              • Jesnus
                                • Jun 2009
                                • 28

                                Hell yeah!

                                It's not a fun battle to fight, but at least you (and your daughter) came out on top!


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