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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Originally posted by chainsnuser
    Originally posted by chadizzy1
    the only thing that i want about cigs is the damn habit. i get more nic from snus than i do from cigs, it's just when i see someone doing it, or see it in a movie, i'm like "i want something in my hand that produces smoke!" even though i don't actually"smoke".
    Wait till this feeling passes, which may take up to a year from my experience, just smoke a cigarette if you badly need to, snus will win you over anyway in the long run.

    Like Tropical Bob maybe also would say, you should try other smokeless alternatives too, nasal snuff, chewing tobacco, resolveable pellets, simply everything that is available and is appealing to you. When I was a cigarette-smoker, I also had to smoke cigars from time to time just as an alternation. It's the same with snus and there's a huge world to explore regarding different types of smokeless tobacco, none of them stronger than snus, but some of them with a kind of nicotine-delivery that is helpful for ex-smokers.
    yeah, i see sage talking about nasal snuff all the time. my first order just came in today. it's been great.


    • yummi4tunekookie
      • Feb 2008
      • 277

      Originally posted by chadizzy1
      yeah, i see sage talking about nasal snuff all the time. my first order just came in today. it's been great.
      I'm curious as to what you ordered. We're both nasal snuff newbies, yay! *high-five*


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        First, I want to be very clear. Snuff is new to me, only about three months now. i did NOT use snuff or anything else other than snus to transition away from the cigarettes. And I don't use snuff now to meet any nicotine"needs'. It is more for the recreational aspect, I just like the body feel the little bump in nicotine gives me.

        But for managing my nicotine levels, i just use regular snus, strong snus, or strongest snus, depending on how I am feeling at the moment.

        Especially if you are struggling with still wanting a cigarette, my best advice is to use strong snus most of the day. My first few months using, i used Offroad strong ALL the time. i was poor and all i could afford, but t did the trick. i only started using mostly regular my third month of using snus.

        Snuff is fun, and tasty as hell, but I don't think it will meet your nicotine cravings the way a cigarette or the right snus will.

        And good to have newbies doing it with you. TBD and i were newbies together, and it made all of t a bit better.


        • yummi4tunekookie
          • Feb 2008
          • 277

          That's it. I'm definitely going for a strong portion next!


          • rscott222
            • May 2009
            • 346

            I'm still not ready to take the snuff plunge.....


            • yummi4tunekookie
              • Feb 2008
              • 277

              Originally posted by rscott222
              I'm still not ready to take the snuff plunge.....
              Do it. All the cool kids are 8)

              (Makes me think about those silly old ads with unrealistic scenarios about "just saying no" to cigarettes; Like, some kid's at a party where the "cool kids" are all smoking; the leader, with his leather jacket approaches the new kid and says "Hey, kid! Wanna drag?" and when the kid shakes his head, the cool leader's all like, "Why not? Everybody else is doing it! Don't you want to be cool/fit in?"

              THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE...I really want to find a douche-y leather jacket and shades, then loiter around a middle school, approaching kids with this act. Just for shits 'n' giggles 'til I get kicked off the premises.


              • ODurren
                • May 2009
                • 66

                If I had more Lambert & Butler Menthols I'd completely quit everything, even snus until the pack/carton was completely gone. lol. Any other cigarette, one every week or 2 is good enough for me now, keeps me happy. Sage is completly right, if you want a cigarette every so often, by all means have one!


                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432

                  i used snuff maybe... 4 or 5 times today? it's nice on the side but not like a full time thing. the buzz/headrush is interesting, totally different from anything i've had before.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Why I consistently say that snuff meets my recreational nicotine needs, nothing more. I love the body high from it. But my nicotine levels are maintained solely by my snus, using regular, strong, or strongest as the need arises.

                    But I love how my snuff makes me feel. Little moments of sheer joy bursts throughout the day. Some days many times, some days maybe once or twice. just depending on mood.


                    • Snusdog
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 6752

                      Sage (or anyone else for that matter)

                      Have you found that your snus intake has lessoned since starting snuff. I don’t mean you snus less but that you are using less overall. Let me explain: for me I don’t snus less but the snus stays in longer. This is do in part to the bump from snuff thus a pris will satisfy longer but it is also from the fidgety effect. (I figure only a fellow ADHDer might know what I mean). Sometimes I change out a pris just to satisfy a need fidget. However now I just take a pinch of snuff.

                      For me snuff has had the effect of stretching out a can of snus even though I have a snus in almost constantly?

                      Also Chadizzy, Congratulations on winning the custody of your daughter. I hope life will be blissfully settled for you both now that the ordeal is over
                      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                      • rscott222
                        • May 2009
                        • 346

                        So Chad now that the dust has settled a little are you still smoking?


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          haha, oddly no. i have a box of cigarettes here that i have no desire for. after i eat, i reach for snus. when i'm driving, i have a snus in. those were my 2 high cigarette times. when i'm stressin, cigarettes don't give me the level of nic intake snus does. so i really have no desire to use them. it's weird to say that, because i smoked for like 9 years and never thought that would be something i would say!


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by Snusdog
                            Sage (or anyone else for that matter)

                            Have you found that your snus intake has lessoned since starting snuff.
                            I don't chain snus quite as much as I used to. Instead of going to the fridge for more snus, I'll take some snuff instead. It's not a drastic reduction, but my snus lasts longer.


                            • rscott222
                              • May 2009
                              • 346

                              Is the nic content the same between snus and snuff?


                              • sagedil
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 7077

                                Not even close. Although Toque does make a high nicotine snuff called quit.

                                Regardless, the effects are completely different. Snus is a long term nicotine delivery, stays in your blood stream at least an hour. Snuff is very short acting, I feel it for a mew moments, nothing more really. But it is so very cool. :lol:


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