Need help creating USA snus website petition goals [stopact]

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  • Norex
    • May 2008
    • 37

    Need help creating USA snus website petition goals [stopact]

    Get active people... I need help determining the goals of our petition... and considering I am one person and we are all fighting to keep snus here in the US, Help me give our official petition to our elected leaders a foundation...
    Ok, here how this is going to work, Im going to post the example and I need you guys to help get some solid things to petition against...only problem is the clauses must be agreeable or agreed apon by all of us or at least most of us.

    We, the undersigned citizens and/or residents of The United States of America, draw the attention of the our elected leaders to the following:

    THAT - ...
    THAT - ..
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Maybe I'm too cynical, and apathetic, but I don't see anything good coming out of this. Getting wound up and tilting windmills just leads to disappointment down the road. Nobody in DC cares about what we think. Not many are going to vote against the kids to benefit a bunch of tobacco users.


    • Norex
      • May 2008
      • 37

      Thats why one of our clauses should be:

      We, the undersigned citizens and/or residents of The United States of America, draw the attention of the our elected leaders to the following:

      THAT - ...
      THAT - We urge congress to protect adult's rights to opt out of smoking cigarettes and save our lungs and the lungs of others with the use of snus while protecting our right to enjoyment and increase restrictions on the youth's ability to obtain tobacco products.


      • Jesnus
        • Jun 2009
        • 28

        I'm all about the rights of the people, and I'm with lxskllr on this one. The point of a petition is to demonstrate broad support for something. And every politician knows that tobacco is not broadly supported among their constituents. What's worse, sumptuary tax increases on alcohol and tobacco have the broadest public support of any tax increases. It's best that nobody reminds Washington too often that snus even exists.


        • justintempler
          • Nov 2008
          • 3090


          The day before the FDA bill to regulate tobacco will most likely pass, someone decides to start a petition site.

          Too little Too Late.


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            no matter what happens, snus was introduced after that 2007 date in the US, so i don't think we have much to worry about.


            • Norex
              • May 2008
              • 37

              I'm not against tax increases, I am for something which can reduce the health costs of our country, I am for something which cost a fraction of what cigarettes cost, I am for which helps reduce air pollution, I am for receiving my snus via mail as that's about the only way you can get any official stuff, I am for being able to use tobacco in non-smoking areas in a safer way than snuff, I am for a tobacco product which i can enjoy and not worry about weazing when i go up stairs, and lastly I am for my rights!


              Don't be afraid!!! JOIN THE CAUSE!!!

              I refuse to hide and "hope they don't find out about snus", INFACT I think its our job to tell them about snus and it's benefit's. Hiding is a cowards game and I'm not a player - DON'T BE A PLAYER!


              • Norex
                • May 2008
                • 37

                It's not about this next bill this is the preparation for the long fight, Sweden has its representation, but lets not be fooled or nonchalant SNUS IS BANNED IN THE EU! If we act like we don't have power then your right we don't but I'm going to say here and now you won't be able to say I'm not fighting for my rights!


                • ddandb
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 570

                  We are a pretty apathetic group.
                  We've discussed it here. Wrote the politicians..., etc., etc.
                  But I agree with the others, what you are trying to do is a little to late.

                  People want to sign up or join.. Great.
                  Referring to those who don't want to as cowards.... Not great.
                  Badgering people about it.....Not great.


                  • Norex
                    • May 2008
                    • 37

                    first of all I said let's not be whips <<< where in that statement do I call anyone a coward? please let me know! I'm asking snus users who live in the US or even worldwide to help me create a centralized front, so if this upcoming legislation passes Snus users will have a place to show thier opposition to not only it but FUTURE legislation which might hinder our ability to obtain or use snus. And yes im gonna have to say if you just mull around saying It's too late or we'll never stop them then you won't. But thats not how you get things done! I'm sure ppl have sent out letters and made phone calls, but non of that has a centralized front... something we can point to and say look it's not just me! so if your not going to help and just give up then yes I'm going to have to group you into the wimp class and keep looking for SNUSERS who are actually not willing to give up... nuff said

                    I'm trying not to go negative but I find it funny that when I'm trying to help all I'm getting is your too late or it's not gonna happen! keep it to yourself then!


                    • ddandb
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 570

                      I'm sorry but I thought you said.............
                      I refuse to hide and "hope they don't find out about snus", INFACT I think its our job to tell them about snus and it's benefit's. Hiding is a cowards game and I'm not a player - DON'T BE A PLAYER!

                      Hiding is a cowards game.. looks like you said coward to me.

                      And now if I don't want to join you I'm a wimp.

                      You sure do know how to impress and inspire people.


                      • Norex
                        • May 2008
                        • 37

                        Wow, Help or don't help That's what defines humanity
                        I'm done with name calling...
                        To anyone who want's to help read the 1st post and respond... that simple!


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          i applaud your effort, i really do. it's great to be that involved and to what to involve and motivate orders, these are great leadership qualities that would have been great a month ago, however it's almost over.

                          1.) the vote is almost done. it will be voted on and decided within the next few days. PACT/FDA.
                          2.) it's been in committee for a few weeks now, so it's been heavily disccussed, and peoples minds are made up. studies done have shown that once something serious has been discussed for 2 weeks, there is a 7% chance of changing their minds [in relation to politics]
                          3.) we've all been involved, wrote letters, done what we can, but the fact of the matter is
                          a.) when it comes to tobacco, it's automatically taboo.
                          b.) when "terrorism" is written in these bills, it is automatically something people take seriously, as this term was included in the PACT ACT.
                          4.) terms of this legislation include tobacco products introduced after a certain day in 2007 (for the life of me i can't remember what that date is), and per a press release on swedish match, we had snus before that date in the US.

                          the fact of the matter is, it's almost done. getting involved now won't do any good. your effort is great, but would have been better a few months ago. we have all discussed this and looked into the ramifications of such bills and have come to the conclusion that snus will stay, whether or not we have to pay taxes on it, find another shipper, or anything else, it's not going to go anywhere.

                          we aren't cowards/wimps for saying so, i would call us realists. trust me! this has been discussed heavily here. see: 4-5 pages of two different threads and REALLY read into it, as well as reading into the bills themselves, so we've researched it and we're pretty sure, although not totally sure that snus is here to stay.

                          so don't get too up in arms. not trying to be an ass, your effort is great, i'm glad you care about snus, as we all do, but don't direct your effort into a website that may be around for 2 days and then find out we have nothing to worry about.


                          • Norex
                            • May 2008
                            • 37

                            I understand that PACT ACT will most certainly pass, but one sentence you said sums up my whole argument... "we're pretty sure, although not totally sure that snus is here to stay."

                            furthermore i never called anyone a wimp or a coward! This is exactly what I said...


                            I refuse to hide and "hope they don't find out about snus" - Why? because hiding is a cowards game

                            if your not going to help and just give up then yes I'm going to have to group you into the wimp class - Are you not helping? Have you given up?

                            but i love how this whole post got wasted when something actually productive could have happened but noooooooo lets shut down the guy who's trying to do something for us, but you know what... I don't care because I'm doing this for all snus users! not you specifically so like I said before either help or don't help!

                            (lol I like how you say we are not wimps like this is a us vs you kind of thing)look if you felt I was calling you a coward or a wimp all i can say is please read what I actually wrote, if you wanna call getting up-in-arms creating a website for a cause and then asking for help then yes i'm getting up in arms then...
                            regardless let me re-state my purpose!

                            Get active people (if you have already gotten active fine)... I need help determining the goals of our petition (ppl who wan't to keep snus available to the USA)... and considering I am one person and we are all fighting to keep snus here in the US, Help me give our official petition to our elected leaders a foundation...


                            • Roo
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 3446

                              Good luck my friend. And no, that's not a condescending statement. Truly, best of luck. I applaud your enthusiasm, but personally I agree with my fellow snuson members that it's too late. I hope you can prove us wrong. I am in all aspects of life an optimist to a fault, however this time, I feel the ball is entirely out of our court. It is what it is... Let us know when that site is up so we can take a look. Most of the info you are asking of us can be found on this forum by searching. And again, good luck. PS: at the risk of being nailed by the new mod squad, what site did you found? Thanks. - Roo

                              PPS: thanks mods, no offense intended. Thank you for this forum, and keep on snusing on!


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