Received my first shipment of Swedish snus (Noob)

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  • Subtilo
    • Dec 2006
    • 524

    Nice thread! It inspired me to revisit Offroad Licorice (lös). It has been a couple of years at least since the last time I had it. I remember liking it a lot - and also the Cranberry. Actually I used to mix the two!

    Anyway, I've never been a huge V2 fan but the Licorice is really, really good, IMO, and even though it probably won't be a regular this time either it's still one I'll have to pay more attention to.

    Thanks for reminding me! :wink:


    • HK11
      • May 2009
      • 631

      I say open them all

      They are not going to go bad before you can finish em.


      • zmanzero
        • May 2009
        • 766

        Originally posted by HK11
        I say open them all

        They are not going to go bad before you can finish em.
        day 5 -

        well, that sounds like good advice! just cracked open the gotlandssnus anise portion, hmm... i'm gonna have to give this a second go around, it's pretty hard to know what i like or don't like on the first go around. it's got some potency to it, i gotta see about the legs. i'm starting to see that the snus lasts about 45 min. to an hour for me, i try to note the time i put one in and take it out. as a side note i received my general free sample today, still gotta experiment with that.

        passed around the oden's extra stark and the offroad cranberry at the local watering hole last nite, the poor people smelled the oden's and didn't want to play with me anymore. you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink... :P

        edit - woo woo! dat general white portion wintergreen does have dat goodness, gave me a face slapping of salt to boot! it's a two fer!

        *goes to fridge, rustles though the forbidden stash, proudly yanks out the full can of wintergreen and opens. could be another morning coffee snus*


        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
          • Dec 2008
          • 2781

          Great thread! Don't sweat the chainsnusing and can opening stuff too much IMO. It seems I always have 10 cans open if not more. I like to use a variety and I like most snuses. Certain favorites don't even stay in the fridge. I always have some portions by the bed and at least two loose cans in my kick-it spot. Then there's the upstairs fridge and the downstairs fridge with open cans. I usually have three different cans on me when I go out.

          Anyways, thanks for sharing your experiences!


          • zmanzero
            • May 2009
            • 766

            day 6 -

            and folks, we have a winner! the first empty tin award goes to... drum roll... oden's extra stark portions cinnamon! yes, it will be a regular on my snus journey of discovery, a trusted companion on the road of snus.

            this day i'm gonna focus on the los. i really want to be able to use the los more in the future, it seems like a better deal and i do like being able to adjust the size of the pris. so far i had restricted my los experience to the general, and while really liking it, after about 20 minutes it turns into a mudslide. i have packed that stuff tighter than a cannonball in my prismaster, but it still slides. taking into account hk11's and others most excellent advice, i have cracked open the skruf stark and fashioned a yummalicious pris which i currently have in my orifice. wow. i was expecting a really strong blast of tobacco/salt flavor but this stuff is really mellow. it just has a good tobacco flavor, and i gotta say it is just not overpowering or anything. just a smooth glide. the pris has been in for about 1/2 an hour now and it's holding together like a champ. i'm gonna be coming back to this post and editing throughout the day as i crack open the other tins of los and see what goodness is in 'em.

            want to thank you's for letting me post these observations here, like i said, this is gonna help me with my next order. *damn, this skruf is mellow...*

            gotlandssnus los - wow, don't know what's in this, just really good flavor, really good. coarser than the skruf. just really good flavor. pris holds together ok. this is just really good chris. get more of this.

            grov los - most tobacco like. coarse texture. pure tobacco flavor, can't really taste any salt. these los are a go.

            must get item -

            oh - i've come to see why all the flavors, at least in my case. even if i stumble across something i really like, after 2 or 3 hits of it i know there is something else i really like so i wanna go do that! :shock:

            fresh edit - jesus. was finishing off a pris of grov when i popped in a oden's stark portion. my first double decker!!! my hymen is gone!!! this is absolute heaven with a cold beer... ahh...

            k. a pris of skruf stark and a portion of the almighty oden's extra stark, one each, works just fine. rotate. doesn't mean i'm done yet. it ain't done till you can put a fork in it. this is road warrior shit people. edit - also notice i am sucking the bag on the portions until i put a hole in it. Chris, settle down. am gonna forsake my evil ways and put in a general wintergreen portion now. it is day 7 to me, but it is not really a day until i sleep and see the sun again. i've made the wintergreen a double decker. edit - i believe i may need the thunder frost los. the double thunder frost los. a dual pris. i will not know until i try. i feel a los man being born.

            day 7 - 06/17/09 - i be snusing. must determine accurately how much snus i use. looks like 5 los and 7 portions.

            day 8 - 06/18/09 - the day of the los. comparing pris longevity. the offroad original has shocked me. the pris is good and the flavor is almost like the licorice. it just has some sweetness sometimes. an enjoyable melt factor after an hour or so. had a couple of portions thrown in, the general wintergreen ain't bad at all. it starts to look to me that the los is the way to go, the portions to be thrown in on the run.

            day 9 - 06/19/09 - just snusing. many flavors to choose from. shit, i'm really leaning toward the los.

            day 10 - 06/20/09 - first reject. gotlandssnus anis portions. i just don't like this. still just snusing.


            • Badfish74
              • May 2009
              • 1035

              Another bump for nostalgia sake! 8)


              • zmanzero
                • May 2009
                • 766

                *cough* ya bumped my private diary up where everyone can see it badfish! man 'o man, now i'm gonna be embarrassed for a week... nah, maybe an hour... nah, probably 5 minutes... ops:


                • KarlvB
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 681

                  Originally posted by zmanzero

                  thi have cracked open the skruf stark and fashioned a yummalicious pris which i currently have in my orifice. wow. i was expecting a really strong blast of tobacco/salt flavor but this stuff is really mellow. it just has a good tobacco flavor, and i gotta say it is just not overpowering or anything. just a smooth glide. *damn, this skruf is mellow...*

                  gotlandssnus los - wow, don't know what's in this, just really good flavor, really good. coarser than the skruf. just really good flavor. pris holds together ok. this is just really good chris. get more of this.

                  grov los - most tobacco like. coarse texture. pure tobacco flavor, can't really taste any salt. these los are a go.

                  day 10 - 06/20/09 - first reject. gotlandssnus anis portions. i just don't like this. still just snusing.
                  I agree with you on the Skruf. Just a great no nonsense tobacco flavour.

                  And the Gotlands Yellow lös is great. Suprised you didn't mention the bitterness like some other forum members. Personally I don't notice it but to each his own.

                  Grov is a great lös but I tend to reach for Ettan more often.

                  Too bad you didn't enjoy the Gotlands Anis portions. I'd suggest trying the lös as it is superior to the portions IMHO and given how much you enjoy Offroad Licorice I don't think you can go wrong.


                  • jcarlson
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 82

                    gotlandssnus anis - can't agree more. Just not for me. Awesome thread by the way. Laughed my ass off at that pic and the nostril comment.

                    Skruf Stark los is by far the best snus I have had. It is my go to snus.

                    Someone above mentioned (I think roo?) that people here don't like Grov Svart? Man, that is my favorite portion, with Onyx right behind it.

                    zman, glad you are loving your order. 100% NOT what I would be getting, but that is what is crazy about snus. We all like something different. Cause I cannot stand anything Offroad.

                    I like the flavor of the Oden's Cinnamon (los), but the nic hit gave me a headache. Which is wierd, cause I use mostly sterk/stark.

                    I believe I just read that you keep going to Ettan? I just got 2 tins in an order, cause I thought I would retry it. I don't know...I don't hate it anymore, but seems almost flavorless. But I am going to work my way through both tins before I make any real judgement.

                    Keep this thread going! Good read.


                    • Badfish74
                      • May 2009
                      • 1035

                      Originally posted by zmanzero
                      *cough* ya bumped my private diary up where everyone can see it badfish! man 'o man, now i'm gonna be embarrassed for a week... nah, maybe an hour... nah, probably 5 minutes... ops:

                      LOL!!!! This is snus excitement in it's purest form zman! It will always hold a special place in our hearts, and in the Hallowed Halls of Snuson!! 8)

                      This barstard should be on the New York Times Bestseller list!


                      • zmanzero
                        • May 2009
                        • 766

                        k badfish. but now i am a little self conscious...

                        anyway, i'm still learning about this stuff. i have come to some firm conclusions though.

                        oden's es kanel portions are a snus i dread to be without. offroad original los i cannot be without. rothbrix (phantom) classic blue los i cannot be without. i have a huge pris of oden's es original in my mouth right now, my next order will be the es kanel los, so i'm throwing oden's es los into the must have category. these are the snuses that if none others existed would suffice to maintain my snusness. in a very bleak world.

                        in reality, existing on only those would be like lying in a field of flowers without petals, without colors. i need a thunder frosted, an onyx, a nick & johnny's, hell... i need all of 'em. every stinking last one of 'em, even that anise one.

                        anyone ever pay attention to a soap bubble? that's what this snus is like to me. see... if you don't really look at the bubble, it's just a transparent sphere floating around in the atmosphere. it's just a bubble. but if you pay attention to it's surface, it's a kaleidoscope of colors. like that koala bear that shits rainbows. that's what this snus is. hey, i'm new to all this, but i see the writing on the wall. i'll never be able to order a roll of this and a roll of that and maybe some other and call it a day. for crying out loud! what the hell do these things taste like??!!! they read like they would blow your head off!!! Nicotine: approx. 27 mg/g!!! JFC!!!

                        there's just too many flavors and textures. hey, i thought i was condemned to throwing some copenhagen into my pie hole and suffering from cig withdrawal. nope. camel had the candy to soothe my sore mouth. they called it snus.

                        and now... it's all... this!!!

                        *shakes head, asks god to make that glenn beck guy on fox dream that he's being waterboarded, and wonders about those oliver twist things...*

                        edit - shit!!! i'm about to break the 4000 cigs i haven't smoked barrier!!!


                        • Roo
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 3446

                          I nominate zman as one of the best posters of all time. Even tho I missed the first few years here. You are awesome.


                          • Badfish74
                            • May 2009
                            • 1035

                            Originally posted by Roo
                            I nominate zman as one of the best posters of all time. Even tho I missed the first few years here. You are awesome.

                            100% agree with Roo. This thread reads like some severely warped Star Trek episodes! Stardate 98089754 Captain's Log....The Evil Temptress Offroadia has me in her clutches yet again. I...just...can' Dammit Zman, I'm a doctor, not a snus killer!

                            I request that zman be given an official title, and that his name and title appear right alongside the mods and owners! 8)


                            • Scuba Steve
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 77

                              Another vote for the great zman. He always has the must read posts.


                              • zmanzero
                                • May 2009
                                • 766

                                Originally posted by Roo
                                You are awesome.
                                no. these are the internets. You are awesome. without your collective guidance, without your community, i'd be a waif on the wind. it takes real people to change realities. we can all spin around out here, sometimes we find a home. you people are that. in my search quitting cigs i found you, the best i could find out here. god knows i love snus, it was something i was never aware of. but now, with your help, i am.

                                i will feebly attempt to explain to you something.

                                that collective knowledge outweighs the individual.

                                You are awesome.

