Originally posted by Subtilo
Help Me with a few questions
Originally posted by StargazerSmoking becomes quite dangerous on guard, that glow is easy to aim for.
This was before the USAF wore camouflage, even.
Originally posted by StargazerSmoking becomes quite dangerous on guard, that glow is easy to aim for. :lol:
BTW, I too, began smoking during my military service.
Yeah, smoking at night is a no go, but sometimes we managed to do it anyway. We used either our tin from the sewing kit or a protective cap from our rifles to cover the glow. Had to be careful not to be inspected though.
I was in the Danish Royal Guards and spend three of my twelve months guarding the Queen, her family and palaces. The discipline in this section of the regiment is a bitch and combined with the public position, it makes it absolutely impossible to sneak-smoke on guard. Snus on the other hand could be very useful, as it would hide well from both sergeants, royals and public. And - not to mention - make the hours go by with a sweet buzz.
Oh, actually I recall a guy from my company smoking a symbolic joint one dark night at Fredensborg Castle :shock:
Quoth RealmofOpeth:
this is a bit off topic...but right before I left the military is when I got into snus..and my supervisor was really into dipping, or at least really into bumming a dip. when i changed from dip to snus he wasn't too open minded about it. but i had him try some goteborgs rape. he was like holy crap it burns! but after a few portions of it he really got attached to it.....but the name goteborgs rape sounded funny to him and almost everyday when i showed up to work he was like 'did ya bring the goat rape today?"
That's hilarious! I had a similar experience with a pipe-smoking friend of mine who was curious about snus, so I let him try some of my General loose, and he didn't care for it at all, but after a trip to my local shop in Bloomington, he tried some of the white portions and really got to like them :-)
(still chuckling about the 'goat rape' LOL!)