if we can have a REAL discussion about this, i'd like to. don't discuss conspiracies, or anything crazy, but i'd like to talk about how this is going to affect tobacco. and let's do this without going into any "we can't get snus anymore!" craziness.
from my understanding:
* The FDA will be able to limit tobacco levels on existing products.
* Outlaw candy/fruit flavored tobacco products.
* State that smokeless tobacco is not as safe or safer than cigarettes. However the FDA can evaluate new products and determine IF they are safer alternatives to smoking and introduce them as such.
* Harsher warning labels on cigarettes. (WARNING will be in ALL CAPS and cover 50% or more of the box)
* Menthol is safe:
"Menthol happens to be the most popular cigarette flavor, and the Journal reports that the Congressional Black Caucus pressed for the carve-out. Menthol brands account for less than 30% of the U.S. market but are favored by 75% of black smokers. Black public health officials understandably have opposed the exemptions. But black lawmakers apparently believe that banning an unhealthy product used by a disproportionate number of black voters is the greater evil."
* Forces disclosure of all ingredients in tobacco
* Bans tobacco sponsorships of sports and entertainment events
* Gives the FDA power to approve or ban new tobacco products from being introduced into the market
* Bans terms like "light", "ultra light" and "low tar" from cigarettes.
one good thing stated by the Bush admin:
The Bush Administration resisted efforts to give the agency such authority by arguing, among other things, that the FDA was barely competent to regulate the products already on its plate.
This bill however does not affect sales of tobacco products (snus, snuff, cigarettes, shisha, cigars, etc) through the mail, which are still legal until the PACT Act passes the Senate and is signed by President Obama.
does this sound about right guys?
from my understanding:
* The FDA will be able to limit tobacco levels on existing products.
* Outlaw candy/fruit flavored tobacco products.
* State that smokeless tobacco is not as safe or safer than cigarettes. However the FDA can evaluate new products and determine IF they are safer alternatives to smoking and introduce them as such.
* Harsher warning labels on cigarettes. (WARNING will be in ALL CAPS and cover 50% or more of the box)
* Menthol is safe:
"Menthol happens to be the most popular cigarette flavor, and the Journal reports that the Congressional Black Caucus pressed for the carve-out. Menthol brands account for less than 30% of the U.S. market but are favored by 75% of black smokers. Black public health officials understandably have opposed the exemptions. But black lawmakers apparently believe that banning an unhealthy product used by a disproportionate number of black voters is the greater evil."
* Forces disclosure of all ingredients in tobacco
* Bans tobacco sponsorships of sports and entertainment events
* Gives the FDA power to approve or ban new tobacco products from being introduced into the market
* Bans terms like "light", "ultra light" and "low tar" from cigarettes.
one good thing stated by the Bush admin:
The Bush Administration resisted efforts to give the agency such authority by arguing, among other things, that the FDA was barely competent to regulate the products already on its plate.
This bill however does not affect sales of tobacco products (snus, snuff, cigarettes, shisha, cigars, etc) through the mail, which are still legal until the PACT Act passes the Senate and is signed by President Obama.
does this sound about right guys?