When I started snusing (I started to quit smoking), I was using a mixture of stark and regular strength portions. Recently I have found that only stark portions do anything for me. I feel absolutely no nic hit from standard portions and I end up wanting to smoke. So, only starks for me now. Has this happened to anyone else?
Well I now use 100% stark portions
I think you are taking the exact same path I took when I first started. First month, mostly regular. then suddenly, I just needed the extra kick, so next three months was 100% strong as well (Offroad Strong Cranberry and Licorice). Then, after 4 months, I went back to mostly regular with just one or two strongs a day. For last several months, I am up to about 6 strongs on a typical day.
Im gonna throw my .02 at ya here. When I first started I only used regular General portions. Then when I discovered Thunder Frosted it became my go to all the time nothing else would do snus. Now after several weeks of that I am back to using some gotland green and more of a variety. I think it must just be a coming and going thing. After a while I think my tastebuds just got tired of the frosted portions so I mixed it up. Sometimes the flavors I desired were regular and sometimes they were sterk. I think that after your body gets used to a smoother delivery of nicotine and you don't require that big initial Vitamin N hit your taste buds will guide you.
Lol I am the opposite. When I first started, the only strong portions were N&J and Skruf (and offroad but eww). I was scared of them at first, and when I eventually ordered my first N&J and opened it, I thought it smelled like my girlfriend's nicotine patches and they kicked my ass. These days, I find myself using almost 90% sterks. I guess I'm one of those people who blew it by upping my tolerance and the amount I need. Oh well. When I put in a snus I like it it to DO WORK.
On the other hand, I don't snus as much as some others here, usually taking solid 1.5 to 3 hour breaks between, unless I'm drinking.
Skruf!! The los is amazing (glad you like it now lxskllr!) and the portions, while I had to take a break from them for a while, are now a favorite again. Fastest nic hit out there IMHO. And my new favorite sterk, Odens original. Smooth like Thunder, but not as gradual. Hits nice and quick, and hard (I am contradicting myself). Good stuff though. Thunder Original los is pretty good too. And GES los is also a new favorite.
Originally posted by RooSkruf!! The los is amazing (glad you like it now lxskllr!) and the portions, while I had to take a break from them for a while, are now a favorite again. Fastest nic hit out there IMHO. And my new favorite sterk, Odens original. Smooth like Thunder, but not as gradual. Hits nice and quick, and hard (I am contradicting myself). Good stuff though. Thunder Original los is pretty good too. And GES los is also a new favorite.