Been amusing myself many times on different quit smoking forums ...
Because there is no "Guaranteed Way" to quit, education is important. Meaning that you do have to prepare your body for a serious detoxification when going cold turkey (and that includes supplements, proper diet, exercises, meditation and avoiding stress as much as possible).
NRT - worst approach. It's like saying... oh you're a cocaine addict? Let me give you some xanax or valium you'll get over the horrible withdrawal (not only the cocaine user will fail miserably but will end up with one of the most dangerous addictions "benzodiazepines").
The only way to stop is to STOP! And educate yourself about ways to make the withdrawal process easier.
In many cases people fall into deep depression or anxiety even months into their quit (that's when you have to see a doctor). The problem is that smoking actually masks anxiety and depression quite well, most people don't know that, but it's been proved in many clinical studies.
IMO, NRT is useless, hypnotherapy is useless, acupuncture is useless ..................every single method is useless.
Going cold turkey is the only way to succeed.
SNUS can help lots but then again, someone that wants to quit smoking will most likely be interested to quit nicotine altogether, they don't want to get hooked on snus/dip or snuff.
The moral of the story is that only the inner power can overcome an addiction.
As you might guess by my post count, I'm pretty new to snus...but after trying quite a few brands, I posted this on the board that originally led me to...