You really should include some in your next order. In my opinion Grov and Ettan is the best loose on the market.
We can't get any sewdish made or SM products here int he UK or shipped to us :-( I have 4 cans of Ettan los in the freezer and an open can of Ettan OP. I wish I could order some, will have to have a word with PP for my next order from him but till then no Grov for me :-( #cry
???WTF??? Try it! You like Ettan, Grov is a natural.....................
I would if I could get it dude, we have been unable to get SM shipped to us here in the UK for well over a year and now the whole EU bollocks, I am screwed! cry cry cry.
As you might guess by my post count, I'm pretty new to snus...but after trying quite a few brands, I posted this on the board that originally led me to...