Skruf Stark Portion, my newly rehydrated ones. Whew, I normally don't do starks in a row, and I am feeling it now. I dumped my can onto a piece of paper, didn't need to, but I thought maybe to flop them around and get some of the excess excess liquid off, and I didn't think it would seep right through, and I had some work papers under it, now have some stains on the tops. It's not really important, I'll just say I spilt some coffee on them. But yeah, just putting water in the can brought these right back to life. I have a semi dried can of Taboca here too, but I am reluctant to use them, with this can of moist Skruf here also.
Onyx here; it's funny, I stared at the can of Skruf Stark Lös and almost went for it, but I guess I missed the collective Skruf signal by *that* much. Intead, I grabbed the can of Onyx dated 13-03-2008, figuring I might as well use that up before its two-year anniversary rolls around. It tastes fi... urg... oh no, my lip just fell off--my stomach is coming out of my mouth... nah, it tastes fine.
As you might guess by my post count, I'm pretty new to snus...but after trying quite a few brands, I posted this on the board that originally led me to...