Grov los. I've tried to put my finger on what the floral note is on this one before, but no luck. Geraniol? It makes me think of how Gawith Hoggarth might make a moist snuff - Lakeland meets Uppland.
I tried to post this as my iPad died earlier, but still have the same thing in. I have 2x Grov Strong/Stark (can says "Stark") portions in. The first time I have tried Grov. Good tobacco taste, nice nic hit, still has flavor and it has been at least an hour.
Last edited by lostramair; 10-11-13, 02:44 AM.
Reason: figured out how to attach pictures
As you might guess by my post count, I'm pretty new to snus...but after trying quite a few brands, I posted this on the board that originally led me to...