General Wintergreen!! The worlds nastiest snus, side by side with Thunder Wintergreen, thats why
I'm just starting out with snus, what is a better option than than wintergreen? I choose it as it has the highest nicotine content of the available General brands here in Canada. I really don't mind it, I had been dipping Copenhagen Wintergreen and Copenhagen Long Cut prior, so the Titanium W seemed the obvious choice, any recommendations would be welcomed.
I'm just starting out with snus, what is a better option than than wintergreen? I choose it as it has the highest nicotine content of the available General brands here in Canada. I really don't mind it, I had been dipping Copenhagen Wintergreen and Copenhagen Long Cut prior, so the Titanium W seemed the obvious choice, any recommendations would be welcomed.
I was a smoker and not a dipper before snus so take this a grain of salt, but tastes change and and may point you toward more subtle flavors. That being said, many enjoy the Wintergreen flavors. There are plenty of stronger flavors out there......maybe not on the local retail shelf.
I'm just starting out with snus, what is a better option than than wintergreen? I choose it as it has the highest nicotine content of the available General brands here in Canada. I really don't mind it, I had been dipping Copenhagen Wintergreen and Copenhagen Long Cut prior, so the Titanium W seemed the obvious choice, any recommendations would be welcomed.
You will find out general wintergreen isn't loved around here, however if you like it, that's what matters, the fact I hate it is irrelevant, it's all about you with snus as you're the one using it. If you liked Copenhagen long cut you will like the standard general, Ettan, grov and the other pure tobacco flavoured snuses. As burnsey says, your tastes change so try everything, don't throw anything away and come back to the ones you may not like a first. I didn't like grov when I first tried it,, now I love it.
As you might guess by my post count, I'm pretty new to snus...but after trying quite a few brands, I posted this on the board that originally led me to...