Home-made snus from Virginia tobacco, the brand is Cut'n Roll. One of the best tobacco I have used. When you bake you own you can control how hard it is on the gums. It is the sodium carbonate that can hurt your gums.
I haven't bought snus for years, it's to expensive.
SnusX flavoured with whiskey aroma, Its quite a bit like i remember isley. Once my money from paypal comes through me thinky ill spend quite a bit on snusx.
Its rather burnt but im about to load up some phantom snus loose! Good times shall be had, and some merlot i think, my liver aint in to bad a shape, could do with a battering.
As you might guess by my post count, I'm pretty new to snus...but after trying quite a few brands, I posted this on the board that originally led me to...