What's in your mouth right now?

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    Whitetail also uses it, they call it Nicocleene, and I think it's the most lengthy explanation, but there are some pages on the Outlaw site too, yes, this is what intrigued me, the info is past the Nicotine amount, in their Nicotine product. https://deerdip.com/pages/faq


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      This is the Amarillo Snuff page.
      And this is Outlaw's.


      • Chewbacca
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2017
        • 305

        XR Apple Slim White


        • Link
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2008
          • 400

          Happy Friday. Knox Red White upper left, pinch of Mustang los upper right. Not a bad combo at all.


          • Chewbacca
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2017
            • 305

            A prilla of Brukssnus.


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              Outlaw Gold. This is nice natural flavor, kinda has hints of the Copenhagen Snuff taste. These make a lot of spit too. I kinda forgot the messy parts of dipping. The buzz nix hit is mellower than yesterday. Yesterday was my first time and it was new to my body, it may be getting used to it now. It's like a low level mellow. Maybe like a 4th strength of real stuff. These are not bad, they really are like the stuff. But 4th strength. Kinda still wanting something stronger. A regular nic user probably would not respond well with this.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                Outlaw Wintergreen. I almost have to take back some of what I said. This Wintergreen HITS! I buzzed out. I took a pinch of the Outlaw Gold this morning and it was melloooow, I could feel something, but it was mellow. I did some Straight later, and it had a good burn but didn't hit, but it was less mellow, but tonight I threw in some Wintergreen and woah. I've never been good at packing the can and making a good pinch so I get a lot of floaters, and I think I spit out half the pinch as I keep it in, I can barely type. This Wintergreen is like regular dip. if Gold was 4th strength, this is maybe a 4. Maybe it's the makeup of it.


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9759

                  LOL enjoy the ride.
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    I don't know, is the whole intention to get a buzz? It's been so long since I had any real tobacco I'm not sure I remember it, or how long it lasted. This Wintergreen is almost too strong. It goes away maybe within the hour. I don't remember being stoned all day when I was using real tobacco. Weird. But I wish I'd gotten some portions, it's a mess with loose cut. I have to rinse my mouth and brush my teeth after use. But I'm not going to do it more than 3 times a day.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      I am realizing now why I quit tobacco. When I bought these Outlaw Dips, I had no thought these things would stink up the house, now they do have a strong smell that sticks around, but the wife says she can't stand it. So, I have a buddy I'm going to ask if he's interested in them, if not, I'll put them up on the for sale section here. If I do anything again it has to be totally scent free.


                      • SnusOn.Com
                        Super Moderators
                        • Jun 2018
                        • 427

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	skruf_knox_xtra_stark_portion_500x500_01_snussidan.jpg.webp
Views:	155
Size:	10.5 KB
ID:	642115

                        Knox Xtra Stark Portion.


                        • Monkey
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 3290

                          Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                          I don't know, is the whole intention to get a buzz? It's been so long since I had any real tobacco I'm not sure I remember it, or how long it lasted. This Wintergreen is almost too strong. It goes away maybe within the hour. I don't remember being stoned all day when I was using real tobacco. Weird. But I wish I'd gotten some portions, it's a mess with loose cut. I have to rinse my mouth and brush my teeth after use. But I'm not going to do it more than 3 times a day.
                          When I started smoking the intention was to look cool, but I got addicted. Now the intention for me Is to not smoke. Some people “chase the dragon” but that ends up being unsustainable.

                          Mustang Los as I get ready to start working on the car.


                          • SnusOn.Com
                            Super Moderators
                            • Jun 2018
                            • 427

                            Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                            This is the Amarillo Snuff page.
                            And this is Outlaw's.
                            Thanks tom502 An interesting read.
                            Sounds like they are chemical analogues. If my understanding is right analogues are where a chemical is changed in some way structurally but it still has a very similar effect. Got me thinking along the lines of 'legal highs' (not that I partook in them ) I wonder if the harm reduction claims are true or whether it's a way to temporarily side-step increasing tobacco harm reduction product legislation, restrictions, taxation etc? Be interesting to follow.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              I thought at first it was just going to be niacin, which I've had in pill form before, but this was a different experience. I bought some CBD gummies a while back, I keep seeing ads for Cheech and Chong CBD gummies, it wasn't that brand, but I thought I'd feel something but I felt nothing at all, the was thinking had it felt like this Nixamide felt, I would have been satisfied, that was the mellow feel I was kinda expecting. As far as it's use in this dip, it's strength varied, the Wintergreen about knocked me out, the Gold was barely there, and the Straight was on the lower end of the middle. The science of it piqued my interest, as a bodybuilding enthusiast in the 80's and 90's trying to find things that mimicked other things was interesting.


                              • Link
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2008
                                • 400

                                General mint lower left, Mustang los upper right with coffee. Not too shabby.


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