I'm a weird barstard............left nostril Gawith Apricot, right nostril Ozona Spearmint, and a frozen pris of General lös in my lip cuz i couldn't wait for it to thaw! :lol:
geeze, so that's how the aliens do it... always wondered about that :P .
double barreling - oden's es kanel and claq qui portions.
Dude! That's how ALL Snusoprotamagerians do it....what planet are you from??!! :lol:
Tourney Snus Original(red). "Genuine Swedish". Of "American" snus, this is thus far the best and real snus I have had. If anything, the portions may be lighter, as the round can has 20 portions(pouches), yet the weight listed is 12g. But it's well priced, and I am getting a decent faithful snus flavor. I'd give this a strong B as an "American" snus. An A would be 24 pouches and 24g weight not more than $3.50. But this is a good B, and I am glad to see it. I just hope it sells for them, as I like a good availability of snus being local and well priced, and in a convienient retail shop, and not just a tobacco specialty shop, where I'd never go.
tom, there aren't any speedways around here, i don't know about all of texas. it seems there would be a website concerning this snus, all i've seen is that it's only being sold at speedway.
Tourney Spearmint. Ok, I opened the can of this, and it has a fairly strong spearmint taste, and I was thinking, darn, this better not be like Camel Frost. So, I popped a portion in, and well, it's not at all like Camel Frost. It has a strong smell, but a weak taste, it's there, but very subtle, and I get that "tingle" from the speamint, which lessens in time, but overall, it's not bad, but I like Original better. This is just a bland Spearmint, but still that's why I like it more than Camel Frost. As I said before, I don't like a knock you down flavor. This one is OK, but I won't get it again, when I can get the Original. Still, the big Swed name snus is better. But still, for an "American" snus, not bad, in my opinion.
Tourney Snus Spearmint. This is not bad at all. Seemed kinda bland yesterday, but that was after a General Wintergreen. Today, some coffee, a Tourney Spearmint, and it's not bland at all. Not a candy snus at all. Has a good honest flavor with no sweetener.
Got some snus in the mail today, and just now, well, about 25 mins ago, did my first ever stark. Skruf Stark portion. Really, I am not getting a big nic hit, like I thought might happen, but I didn't know what to expect. As a snus, it's good. The portion seems fatter than regulars. Maybe a little throat burn.... it's all good though.
Just got today VERY nice. I like it alot better then the catch Licorice. I have to make myself use some regular portions as I have been getting a little carried away with the claq qui, and the grovnos Black and the Thunder Frost
As you might guess by my post count, I'm pretty new to snus...but after trying quite a few brands, I posted this on the board that originally led me to...