Ettan Vit Portion. If I was asked what my number one snus is, right now, I would say this. There are still many snus I haven't had, and I haven't had Ettan original portions, but I think if I had to pick a fave of what I have had, it would be this, Ettan Vit.
Ettan Los. 1st time with this one. Can was a bit after the best before day, Feburary... but still not bad. Seemed a little dry... but still, pretty good.
Ettan Los again. I gave the can the refresher treatment. Dumped it a bowl, used a spoon and knocked it all apart, then added a little water, and stirred it up, and put it back in the can.
General lös ekstra sterk. I'm wondering why you americans tend to like other brands than general better like ettan. General is the most common and appreciated snus here in norway and probably in sweden too.
I've tried several different types like skruf, general, RL, ettan and kronan, but I find the general the best tasting snus.
As you might guess by my post count, I'm pretty new to snus...but after trying quite a few brands, I posted this on the board that originally led me to...