3 cliks on a 3ml 'stainless icetool' of oden's ES Kanel lös
Ahhhh.. relief. Finally getting this 'candied' chaw taste out of my mouth from that Copenhagen Straight. Damn, I hope I can still get this stuff post-PACT or at least GET THE FRIGGEN 10CT I PAID FOR FROM teh NORTHERNER~!!!!!!!!!~
Right now I have a Skruf but getting ready to load a Ice Fruit next, then a Probe Whiskey..... Then off to bed,,,, which brings me to this question? Has anyone fallen asleep and woke up the next morning with a couple of puches in your upper lip but you know you only had one before you crashed and forgot to take it out?? Sometimes I forget to take them out and sometimes when I eat lunch or dinner and I ocassionaly end up swallowing the pouch...... Is there something wrong that I am doing?
Right now I have a Skruf but getting ready to load a Ice Fruit next, then a Probe Whiskey..... Then off to bed,,,, which brings me to this question? Has anyone fallen asleep and woke up the next morning with a couple of puches in your upper lip but you know you only had one before you crashed and forgot to take it out?? Sometimes I forget to take them out and sometimes when I eat lunch or dinner and I ocassionaly end up swallowing the pouch...... Is there something wrong that I am doing?
I haven't gone to bed with one, but I usually fall asleep on the couch with a General Mint.
But I spit it out when my wife wakes me up to go to bed.
As you might guess by my post count, I'm pretty new to snus...but after trying quite a few brands, I posted this on the board that originally led me to...