Retro white. -- New habit I seem to have picked up this week. waking up at 5am for an hour or so, so throwing in a snus until go back to sleep for a few more hours
I can't just wake up and throw in a snus. When I smoked, I never wanted a cig right when I woke up. I find I have a little gum discomfort in the morning, so I have to wakeup, get up, brush my teeth, though tonight I am gonna start brushing my teeth before bed. It's just I usually stay up too late watching TV with a snus in, I just take it out and go to to sleep. But then after getting up, I get some coffee, sit down, and then I want a snus.
First snus of the day, with some coffee:
Goat Rape Regular White.
Grand Prix. WTF IS THIS. thinking about reviewing it, but it's too bad for words.
Review it!
I believe this is the same exact thing as Tourney. I didn't think it was so bad. The only "bad" about it, is totally dry. And medium size portions. But the pros is, for me, it's an American brand, it's actually Swedish made, it's available at the local gas station, it's about $2. Taste of the Original reminds me of LS Whites. Wintergreen was OK. I liked the Spearmint least. If mail order of snus was banned, and this remained available, I'd use this. It's way better than Camel.
I don't like to admit this, but i've got camel mellow at the moment. It's the only damn smokeless any store around me has, and my shipment from buysnus is still around 4 days away. Guess that's what I get for not ordering sooner.
I don't like to admit this, but i've got camel mellow at the moment. It's the only damn smokeless any store around me has, and my shipment from buysnus is still around 4 days away. Guess that's what I get for not ordering sooner.
Sadly I have camel mellow in right now too. It tastes like artificial sweetener that was concocted inside of a butt, but I have to wait another day until I get my new shipment of General.
As you might guess by my post count, I'm pretty new to snus...but after trying quite a few brands, I posted this on the board that originally led me to...