C I know bro.. My wife's family lives here.. You know how that goes. Man I miss the beach. First kiss was there, first time
I swam.. I freakin lost my virginity at the Howard Johnsons there on Hollywood Beach. Good times. At least I got married there in front or oceanwalk. That mall there I remember being 13 going to the arcade, tryin to mack on girls.. Riding bikes up and down the broadwalk. Taking drives down to south beach, going to each club trying to sneak in to Cameo wherever. One time while my brother was visiting only placce I could sneak in was a strip club. Got a face fulla tatas with a beer in front of me my brother laughing his ass off. When I come
down again I'll let ya know we can have a drink trade snus or something.
Roda Lacket w/ svedka and diet sunkist.
Alright man. Let me know. I'm always down for some drinks and snus. :P
As you might guess by my post count, I'm pretty new to snus...but after trying quite a few brands, I posted this on the board that originally led me to...