Snusgetter, What's your thoughts on the xmas? Is it worth jumping through the hoops to get it?
I've only used 2 so far but, like all the other Northerners, the flavors are very subtle;
kinda like a laid-back Boost without the oomph. For me, it'll take a few more uses
before I can actually pinpoint all the falvors but all of the Northerners were that way.
Knowing how much you like the Northerners, though, I don't think you'd go wrong;
wish I had enough to share but, alas, 'tis not to be at this time. If that changes, I'll
let you know. btw, at 2+ hours the flavor was still going strong.
As you might guess by my post count, I'm pretty new to snus...but after trying quite a few brands, I posted this on the board that originally led me to...